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"Are you okay Misty, I think we need to leave and cool off" Gary coaxed, his words mixing together to Misty's ears, the upscale restaurant seemed to be swirling around her. She barely made out a nod before Gary grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her seat. He placed multiple bills on the table and make quick of the route towards the door. He opened the door, not waiting for her to get through and pushed through the second. Misty nearly hit the second door and was hit with the cold misty air. The streetlights were shining, but they only looked like blurry stars to her and she quickly pulled her arm back.

Her wrists hurt and she rubbed them as Gary stared right back at her, his fingers twitched and his brows furrowed slightly as a couple walked by.

"Come on Misty, I know a place we can sit down, it's a park near here" Gary said, grabbing her wrist again and slightly digging his nails into her skin. She whimpered so softly that he didn't take notice to her displeasure. He made his way down the road and began to quicken his pace. Misty began to step awkwardly in front of herself as she tried to follow him.

Her head cleared for just a moment and she tried to tug at Gary.

"What the hell are you doing" She asked, her words jumbled and her head pounding. With her abrupt stop and Gary's weight, she ended up falling face first into the sidewalk. Her face burned and her nose stung like a wasp. She could feel her blood pounding through her body, her head felt like the ocean during high seas. Gary hissed, he turned around and crouched down to her.

"Jesus Misty, can't you take a bit of wine, I just want us to find a nice spot-" Gary stopped. Misty glanced to where his eyes pointed and she saw an alleyway. It was dark with no lighting making its way through, it looked inconspicuous and the type of alleyway that would be on Law and-. Her train of thought stopped, brain fell flat and she began to push herself away from him.

"Ah, perfect and I thought today wasn't going to work out" Gary laughed. He pulled her up and held her petite form easily.

"You know, Ash doesn't know this side of me and for once I'm glad he doesn't, because Jesus you're the hottest woman I've ever seen, how do you even make it through this world without being harrassed twenty four seven" Gary stated as he placed her down in the depths of the alleyway.

"STOP IT, what you are doing Gary, now me tell" Misty slurred. Her dress hung loosely and her heels slipped off her feet. Gary leered at her as he threw off his blazer and began to unbutton his shirt.

"I know exactly what I'm doing and you're not going to stop me, I've done this before" Gary laughed. His body shook as he continued to laugh, his voice filling only the alleyway up.

"I've had my eyes on you for a long time and I decided to switch our essays that way her could be paired with you for lessons and he's such a nice guy that he'll be so oblivious and just let me go on a date with you, god he's an idi-"

Gary didn't finish his sentence as a fist connected squarely with his jaw. Gary flew a few feet back and clashed against a hard brick wall. Gary's eyes quickly shut and his breathing lightened.

Misty looked up and squinted at the figure who evidently saved her. She tried to smile, but she instead let out a ear piercing scream.

"Not to make light of this but I thought you would've been able to kick his sorry ass to jail"


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