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Misty woke up to light filtering into her squinting eyes. She looked around and noticed the high quality canvas frames and pieces of furniture that decorated the bedroom. She put her hand over her head and rubbed her temple, slow circle movements gained a sigh of relief from her. Her bed was large and could most likely fit four people in it and she train of thought shifted to the night before.

She had been on a date with Gary and that had gone a way that she never would've expected. This wasn't a fanfiction where the author used that kind of stuff to create angst because he was incapable of fleshing out the story, that wasn't it but it felt like it. She was cut off from her musings as the sound of a door opening entered her ears. A smell wafted into her nose, it smelled like bacon, eggs and toast.

"Misty, I hope you're awake because man do I have a good breakfast here, if you weren't here then I would've eaten this-" He stopped talking as he walked into a room as an object flew towards his face. He narrowly dodged and looked behind him to see a wooden alarm clock laying ominously on the ground. He gulped and turned to face her.

Her face was flushed and she quickly threw the covers over her chest. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of Ash, but it sparkled just a bit as she took in the breakfast. Her eyes quickly darted to his clothing as noted that he wore fitted jeans and a simple white tee, which seemed to be just a little too short on him.

"Well well well, looks like you don't want this breakfast then, I'll happily eat it" He laughed and she groaned, her body began to shake though as giggles erupted from her chest.

"Idiot, I'll take the food, I have so many questions but I can't ask them if I've starving, I could eat a whole horse" She snorted as Ash set the tray table so that her legs were in between the legs. She stared at the tray in amazement, not only did it have the bacon, eggs and toast but it had a small cup of fruits, a croissant and some orange juice.

"Wow, where'd you get all this Ash" Misty asked. She started by sniffing the warm foods and almost licking the bacon. Ash laughed as he took as seat adjacent to the bed.

"I actually made all of that, so don't hesitate to enjoy it" Ash smiled. He looked at his watch and then back to Misty.

"You have an hour before you have to leave, make sure to eat as much as you can" Ash said as he took a phone out of his right pocket and began to tap on it.

Misty looked up from her plate and traced Ash's figure in his tee, she went back to her food and ate quietly. Silence weighed heavily as she got to the end of her meal. She sighed as looked back up to see Ash still tapping on his screen, doing some task she assumed.

"Thank you" She said whispered. Her voice soft and so quiet that Ash had to strain to hear it. He gave a subtle nod to her and locked eyes with her cerulean blue ones. He nodded and his eyebrows pulled into a slight frown.

"Just being a good sumaritan Misty" He looked down and away from her. His body tensed and his nose crinkled.

"No one should ever have to deal with what you just went through and I'll be making sure Gary doesn't get another chance to lay his eyes on you" Ash said as his jaw clenched. He brought his free hand to his jaw and scratched it in irritation. Slowly he stood up and stepped next to her bed. Sighing, he pocketed his phone and sat down, the bed gave slightly as his bottom pressed into the bed. He moved the tray and placed it on the floor next to the bed, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth dry.

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let another bad thing happen to someone I consider-" Ash stopped and his eyes widened. He turned his head away but moved his hand over Misty's.

"Ash" She breathed. Her blue eyes trying to connect with his closed eyes. She squeezed his hand, her thumbs loosley pressing into his in short circles. She bit her lip and shook faintly. Dozens of seconds past, only the tick of a clock could be heard and the distant honks of outside.

"It's alright Misty, I think I need to go now. Make sure you grab your bag and there'll be a cab waiting for you at the bottom on the first floor" He broke the heavy silence and hesitantly took his hand away from hers. Standing up he made his way to the door and he heard the sheets move. A second later arms snaked around his waist, holding him firmly.

"Don't go Ash, please don't go" Misty choked, her eye blurred and her body shook harder.

"I know we've gotten to know each other better for only a week but I want to know more about you" She sniffled. Ash felt her body vibrate. He moved his arms so that they wrapped around her without turning around.

"I don't think that's such a great idea Misty" He mumbled. His arms securely holding her in place just like her petite arms held his larger body.

"I don't care Ash, if your reasoning is that it's not a great idea, then I'm not listening to you" Misty hiccuped. Minutes passed between them, the tick of the clock grew louder with every passing second.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

"You know, I like that about you Misty, you never fail to bulldoze through me" Ash laughed, her body felt the rumbled of his body, shaking her slightly. Her eyes crinkled and the hiccups ceased. She broke off of the hug and Ash turned around. His eyes looked down and met her misty eyes. He took his hand and lightly cupped her cheek, his thumb rubbing underneath her eyes.

Their breathing evened, eyes locked in a duel of emotions. Both gained clarity with each tick. Her eyes drifted downwards to his lips and found them slightly parted. She leaned her face into his hand, her eyelids fluttered shut and her mouth parted marginally.

She felt his body tense and relax in one moment. Her breathing matched his and she could feel his minty breathe along her face. His fingers loosely grabbed hold of her hair and her mind raced. It was a scene out of a movie, her body shook in anticipation.

His lips lightly pressed on hers, sending shivers down her spine. Her knees grew weak and he he wrapped his other arm around her heated waist. His lips draped over hers, holding her tight like his chocolatey eyes did before. Her mind was blank, only focusing on the minty taste and the plush feel of his kiss.

His mind raced, his fingers curled  and cupped her head delicately as if he was holding onto a puppy. He tasted bacon and his lips smiled as their kiss deepened. Minutes seemed to pass as they held onto each other with their lips, both smiling as she pressed forward. She was on her tippy toes and her heart seemed to glide further and further into white puffy clouds.

Tentatively they parted lips, eyes opening at the same time. Brown met blue, sharp facial features met softened curves. Their eyes created a dimension between them and the tick of the clock and the honk of the cars outside disappeared.

"Wow" They breathed. A smile grew on both faces and his hand crept to the top of her head.

"Again, make sure to grab your stuff and a cab will be down their to pick you up. Tell him where to drop you off and you'll be on your way" Ash smiled. His hand rubbed her head and hair softly. Twirling a few strands in his index finger.

"You're still leaving" She asked, her smile lowering a degree. Her mind now focused on the kiss, repeating it like a broken record.

"Yes, I need to leave and take care of many things and I wish I could stay but I can't" Ash answered. His reply seemed to hang, almost as if there were more to say. She didn't press further and her smile grew back.

"I'll see you at school next week, right" She questioned.

"Yeah and maybe you'll need to help me with some other assignment" He chuckled. He released his hand off her head and turned around. Within a few strides he met the door, turning around he met her eyes once more.

"Stay safe Misty and pick a place for a date, I'm asking for myself this time" He beamed. Without hurry he closed the door and the noise of the clock returned to her mind. She spun around and gathered her belongings.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

A good place for a date huh...


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