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"You Ash know that you a fine man are" Misty said, her words completely mashed. She batted her eyelashes at Ash and began to lift her hand towards him.

"You know, I'd be so down to flirt with you but you're drunk and those face wounds need to be treated" Ash replied, swatting away her hand and placing it back down to her side.

"Here, have some bread while I figure out what's going to happen with Gary" Ash said. He turned his head away, his voice rumbled as he talked to the driver. She watched him with dizzy vision. His blazer sat on top of his lap, which left his buttoned shirt to be analyzed. Her eyes traced the lines of his collarbone to his chest and she found her eyes widening at how defined his muscles were.

She looked up and began to trace his face, noticing his z shaped freckles on his cheeks and his sharp jawline that could compete in straightness against a ruler. His cheekbones weren't the most defined but it gave his face some weight to it and his beard looked freshly shaven. Her eyes then focused as much as they could on his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes. They encapsulated her and seemed to bring her into a pool of ooey gooey chocolate. She could stare at those eyes and she did until he turned back to face her. Her face flushed and she quickly turned her head, which strengthened her headache.

"Okay, this is very suspicious but you're going to come to my place and the driver will be in the house with us, I don't have family so no worries about embarrassing me with your disheveled state" Ash declared. His eyes taking in hers and he grabbed a hold of her hand.

"Misty, did you know that you were drinking Madeira" Ash asked. His face scrunched as he mentioned the wine.

"No, what type of wine is that" She replied.

"It's a wine that has one of the highest alcohol concentrations and you had more than you should've and you're lucky that Gary didn't have his way with you, because you would've been-" Ash paused. His hands balled into a tight fist and his chest muscles tightened to Misty's pleasure.

"That and you probably could've had an accident with how tipsy you were" He finished, his eyes stared out the cab's window and he sighed. Eyes came back to hers with a softer stare.

"We'll talk in the morning when you're hungover but feeling less tipsy and can make good judgement calls instead of rash ones, get some rest and have sweet dreams" He said so softly that she could barely hear what he had stated.

Her eyes quickly shut and her breathing evened out. Her body began to slump to one side and Ash moved around so that his body was next hers and let her head softly rest onto his blazer.

"Christ, she's a handful"

"But sir, you seem to care a great deal about her, just don't be too distracted"

"Yes I do, now on with the driving, I don't want you distracted with her looks as well" Ash laughed as the cab made its way through a winding residential road.


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