12. Eternity

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Jungkook's POV

I sat in my throne the hell fires burning as I sentenced people through out the day. It had been nearing the end of the week. Meaning jimin's father would be coming back anytime soon.

Meaning I will no longer be allowed in his house. My fists tightened at the thought.

I had met Jimin a few times, falling asleep next to him a few nights.

Sitting by him listening to him tell me about college. Talk about his friends. His courses. His passions, interests. I found myself just smiling and listening. Hunting.

"Step forth."

The doors open and the meta screeches against the floor. I turn my head up and feel my mouth dry.

Why does she look like Jimin?

A women chubby cheeks, crescent eyes, small nose and plump lips walks in her face identical to Jimins.

"State your name." I say boy straightening.

"Park Sara."

She has the same last name.

"Why are you here?" I ask looking into her eyes deeply trying to get the knot to unravel quickly. Curiosity burning within me. She was hard to break but with the added effort she swiftly snapped.

"My husband was at work, my son at home. It was an arranged marriage. I wasn't happy. But I should've just stayed home like a good wife, if not for not family's then for my son. But my neighbour she lured me in. I slept with her and I enjoyed every minute of it. Promptly after my husband found out as he saw me walking back home from her house with a limp in my step. She lived alone so he knew what happened. He was a heavy believer in Christ and cast me out of the house. I had no where to go so I ended up in an apartment. My sons birthday was nearing and I tried to contact him. It was his eighteenth and so I went back to the house. His father saw me and kicked me out forbidding me to speak to my son. Thats the worst feeling for a mother, being taken away from your children. My heart ached. My soul was drifting. I could feel myself dying. So I quickened the process and hung myself in my apartment wardrobe."  She said tears flowing as she mentioned Jimin. I felt my heart ache for her. Her own child taken away from her. How horrid.

"You cheated on your husband?" I ask trying to get myself to focus.

"With a woman yes."

"That part doesn't matter." I say. About to tell her, her sentence.


I give her a questioning look.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? Isn't homosexuality a sin?" She says. I tut her and place my left leg over my right.

"Love is love. And love belongs and resides in the silver city. It doesn't matter who it is shared with. Apart from a few cases, like adults and children. And humans and animals. But between two consenting individuals it is something beautiful." I say feeling my eyes soften thinking about the feeling. Oh how it meant so much to me at one point. How he meant so much to me.

"Why am I here then?" She asks.

"Homosexuality is not a sin but unfaithfulness still is. Never mind that you both didn't love each other. Commitment is something that is sacred. Especially when a child is involved." I respond picking at my nails.

"Then why does everyone think it's a sin? So many would be happier, would be alive if they knew!" She exclaims. I knew she was referring to herself. If the stereotype never occurred she'd be able to tell her parents of her sexuality and she wouldn't have to hide it and get forced into an unloving marriage that ended up sending her to hell. I felt that I owed her an explanation.

I took a deep breath, this story was always so hard to relive.

"Once the devil was caught making love to a man. Being the devil humanity saw it wrong and decided that it was a sin." I answered leaving out the painful parts.

"But aren't you the devil?" She asks. A sad smile etched itself onto my face and I nod.

"Who did you make love with?" She asks.

Ah the painful part of the story.

"I don't remember." I answer.

"So it was just another normal human." She says the words sounding as if it was meant to be said to herself.

"No. Of course not. I despise humans. I would never lay with one. He was a Devine entity."

She looks at my confused and i sigh deeply.

"My brother has told me it was the first gay man created by god. He always had the better memory. He told me that god created a man just for me to love. But when he told me to rule hell I rarely got to see my beloved. Except on instances when he'd come to the human realm and so would I. I wasn't permitted to leave hell for a long period of time and heaven goes by faster than hell and surface world. I didn't want him to be in such a horrid place, so I'd meet him in the middle. On one of our meets the humans saw us and that's where the stereotype came from. But needless of that I was enraged by the fact I couldn't see my beloved as often as I liked. So I started a rebellion against god to just get rid of humanity. They were a pest, hindering me from my love. In disgust and as he said a need to teach me a lesson he killed my beloved right in front of me and locked me in hell for Millenia. Time went so slow down there so a Millenia on earth proved to be billions of years down there. Gradually I forgot how he looked, how he sounded, how he felt."
I feel tears spring to my eyes.

Only after thousands of years in heaven time did Taehyung come down with me after getting angry at god too. He experiences time slower and still had a faint recollection of how everything had went down. When he came I begged him to tell me about my lover. I was holding on to a thread so close from losing the only part of myself I wanted.

He told me that story the night he came down. I spent the days crying. An ache so immense my body caved in and I couldn't hold myself up. My beloved. My love. I couldn't even remember your name.

A tear cascaded down my cheek I quickly brushed sit off and looked back up at her.

"Your sentence is to live the rest of eternity alone. In blackness, void of sound." I said voice cracking apart.

She leaves soundlessly with a nod and the doors shut behind her.

Why did I tell her all that, who was she to know.

Maybe I told her not because of who she was, but who she looked like.

I think of her sentence and hold myself iron suddenly getting cold again my skin.

Taehyung was out and the screams seemed quieter. It was dark as I closed my eyes and room silent.

'Your sentence is to live the rest of eternity alone'

Hello everyone! How are you all? Please tell me what you thought about this chapter, if you guys need anyone to talk to I'm here to listen. I hope you guys remain healthy and happy have a nice day ☺️

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