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I think about what I was going to tell ruby after being saddened after what Weiss said to her. I can't think of anything but maybe I'll say something that'll comfort her at least a little bit.

Y/N: I'll be right back.

Travis: I'll just read this book until you get back.

I walk out the door and I saw ruby and Weiss arguing.  I didn't know what to do about this. Do I just interrupt the argument? Do I wait until Weiss is gone to talk to ruby? What do I do?

I kept thinking about what to do and then I saw Weiss going off into an unknown location. I approach ruby to try to comfort her. But I saw Ozpin do it for me instead.

Damn you Ozpin

I was a little disappointed that I couldn't do it myself. Then I thought about talking to Weiss. Maybe tell her how ruby felt.

I started to look around the school and I eventually went to the rooftop to see port talking to Weiss.

Are you kidding me

It's things like that to make you think the world is against you. I went back to the classroom to see my team.

Travis: what did you need to do?

Y/N: I wasn't needed.

Simon: first time?

Y/N: wha-

Kingston: just ignore him. He's usually like this.

Y/N: oh ok.


Travis POV

I was tired after our second day at beacon. Simon and Kingston were asleep but me and Y/N were awake.

Y/N: hey, Travis.

Travis: yeah?

Y/N: have you ever...uh.... felt like the universe was against you?

Travis: what do you mean by that?

Y/N: like, things are just fated to go wrong for you whenever possible.

Travis: like Murphy's law?

Y/N: yeah... kind of like that.

Travis: well I'm not the best at giving advice but here goes nothing. You need to know that life is unpredictable. It may go wrong for you in every way possible but there's nothing you can do about that. If I were you I'd just try to accept that I can't control everything and learn to adapt the situation.

Y/N: thanks, travis.

Travis: no problem. Were things going wrong for you?

Y/N: well... kind of. Its nothing serious. It wasn't even that important. It was just a random thought. I felt as though things just won't go my way.

Travis: do you wanna talk about it?

Y/N: thanks again. But since I'm the leader, I shouldn't rely on my teammates too much. This is a problem I should take care of myself.

Travis: woah, when did you get serious?

Y/N: I'm not sure. Well I'm going to go commit temporary death. Goodnight.

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