Scarred flowers

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"mornin' " Sirius heard the still hoarse and tired voice of Remus, he looked up from where he was sitting on his bed and pulled the curtains of his bed to be greeted with a very adorably morning, Remus. His curls were standing up in each direction, he was rubbing his eye and squinting with another one, and he was wearing Sirius's quidditch short.

"Morning, love. Come here." he scooted over to make some room for Remus to sit but instead, Remus laid his head on Sirius's lap. He leaned down and gave Remus a little peck on his cheek, " you look a bit tense, is everything alright?" Sirius asked worryingly, "jus' my back is a lil sore." "do you want me to massage it?" Remus wanted to say no because he doesn't want to tire Sirius but he knew Sirius wouldn't take a no for an answer so he said yes.
Remus laid down on his stomach and Sirius sat on the end of his back; he was light enough to not hurt Remus, he got some lavender oil that Lily got him after summer, "where does it hurt?" "The sides hurt the most." Sirius started messaging the sides, it's really wasn't unusual for them to do that, Sirius always massages Remus before and after the full moon. After a few minutes, Remus started snoring softly but Sirius continued until he heard the dorm room open so he went to see who it is.
"Oh, it's you, morning, Lils." "Morning Sirius, is everyone else asleep?" "yeah, Remmy woke up for a bit but went back to sleep.," he said gesturing towards his bed. "is that an exposed back I see?" She was eying Remus " oh Merlin, whatever you are thinking about is going to be spectacular, I can tell from the look on your face." "Well you are right, do you still have acrylic paint and brushes?" "Of course, I never run ou- OH THIS WILL BE-" "hush! Keep your voice down or one of the boys will hear us and ruin everything." He turned his head to look if anyone woke up. "Nah, don't worry they can sleep through a battle if it's the weekend, so what are we going to do?" "Can I be more obvious? We are gonna paint on his back now come on and get out your paint!" "Okay okay, Mum." Lily rolled her eyes but still smiled, as hard as she tries she can't really get annoyed by these boys.
They both sat down gently on the bed with Remus between them and the paints and brushes were on a pillow. "so what are we painting?" Sirius asked, "ooo how about flowers on his scars?" "you are a fucking genius, Lils."
They sat there painting on Remus's back with beautiful different colors and flowers, "it makes it look like his insides are flowers, I really love it." Lily said, "he is you know, " Lily looked at Sirius who was still painting then he continued talking "he is really beautiful inside and out, and just because he looks like a "monster"-his words not mine- but it doesn't mean he is, once you get to know him, like really know him, you will realize he is just as soft and beautiful as a flower...just hope he realizes it one day." "merlin, and I thought you couldn't get gayer." Sirius threw the nearest pillow at her "oh shush." "no, but, you really do love him, don't you?" "more than anything in the world."
"Alright, are we done?" Sirius asked "yes let me just get my camera, I will be back. Oh, don't burn the place down without me!" "wouldn't even think about it." while Lily went to grab her camera, Sirius started playing with Remus's hair gently trying to not wake him up, Sirius couldn't believe his luck, how did he get such an amazing boy?
Lilly came back with her camera. "hold this" she handed Sirius a brush "alright, 1..2...cant you fucking smile?" "I am smiling!" "no you are not, and you look ridiculous." Sirius gave her his most flashing smile "is that better?" "much. 1..2..3" a blinding light flashed and after a few seconds the picture came out, they waited for it to develop, Sirius looked over "Hey! You didn't tell me there is blue paint on my cheek!" Lily laughed "don't be dramatic it's just paint." "It ruins my godly complex!"  " "godly complex" yeah right-" Sirius leaned over and smeared paint on Lily's cheek. "SIRIUS BLACK YOU ARE SO DEAD."
"what is going on?" "Is everyone okay?" "what happen?" Remus, James, and Peter all said at the same time and jumped out of their beds to see what is going. Lily and Sirius were staring at each other till they burst out laughing while the boys looked at them confused. "Would one of you care to explain what is going on?" Remus said standing up, "uh Remus...your back?" "What?" Remus realized he is shirtless so he took the nearest thing to cover with which was one of Sirius's crop tops. "Here...dontkillmeplease." Sirius handed him the photo. "Sirius Orion Black you better run or else I will snap your neck." "It was Lily's idea!" "Don't blame me! You agreed!"
"You better come up with a reason for me not to kill you,"Remus said
"I-I...we love you..?" Sirius said and lily agreed nodding her head. "I will ask my parents to send your favorite muggle chocolate?" They were terrified of Remus, normally Lily is the scary one. Remus thought about it for a little "fine. I'm not going to kill you."
"Good one Lils." Sirius whispered to Lily "thanks."
"I'm still mad." " moons. Your back is a masterpiece now." Remus stayed quiet for a few seconds. "But Lily saw me naked-" "okay Remus now you're being more dramatic than your boyfriend and that says a lot...besides it's not like I never saw you guys naked."
They all looked at Lily with wide eyes "excuse me what? You're telling me my girlfriend saw my best friends naked?" "Oh please, you don't even know how to lock the door when you guys are changing." 
"Can we see your back again, Remus?" "No." "Why not?" "Shut up, prongs."

Now that they're all awake they are going to eat breakfast, but before they walked out "wait,1..2..3" another picture was taken of them. They wrote the date and hung it on the wall where it will stay till MgGonegall finds it.
"You look hot in the crop top," Sirius whispered in Remus's ear.

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