Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

For a moment, all I could do was stare at Edgar. He smiled at me, as if this was all perfectly normal. Even though I hadn't exactly lived a normal life for the past six months, that didn't stop me from trying, and let me tell you that what was happening right now was not in any way shape or form normal.

"Come with me," I said at last, and turned and walked towards the nearest exit. He followed behind me willingly. I burst through the doors, and had to take a moment to readjust to the overwhelming amount of sounds and scents that assaulted me. Cars roared and honked at each other on the nearby road, and I could smell their fumes and the scent of burnt rubber- not to mention the large number of students lounging around the courtyard as they ate their lunches. But I wasn't stopping here. I immediately turned right and led Edgar around the back of the school where the stench of garbage wafted out of the dumpsters, making me want to hurl. Once I was sure we were out of any nosy students' line of sight, I spun around and glared at Edgar with all the anger I could muster. The glare of a werewolf is enough to make even the strongest of men get goosebumps, but Edgar merely looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to explain why I'd brought him back here. I bit back a growl of irritation.

"Okay, start explaining," I snapped. "Why are you here?"

"It's quite simple really," he began, pushing his glasses up his nose again. "I'm here to keep you safe from those that would cause you harm."

"Be a little more specific," I hissed. "Who would want to cause me harm in the first place?"

"The Octopus."

I narrowed my eyes, trying to look as threatening as possible, "Obviously, but why?"

"That," he said, raising a decisive finger, "is on a need to know basis."

"I'm the one who needs to be protected, apparently," I snapped, jabbing my own finger into his chest. He wasn't very strong, I noticed, as he stumbled backwards when I poked him. "I think that means I need to know!"

"Sorry," he apologized, smoothing the wrinkles out of his shirt. "But I have my orders."

"Orders?" I echoed. "So, you're not the only one involved in this?"

"Need to know basis!" he said quickly, diverting his gaze.

I stood there for a moment, and then leaned my back against the wall, pressing my face into my hands as I tried to keep my temper in check.

"You know," I said at last, "you're the one who might need protecting soon if you don't stop being so cryptic."

Edgar shrugged, "I can't disobey my orders, Amber."

With an exasperated groan, I pushed myself off of the wall and looked at him again.

"Fine, then. What CAN you tell me?"

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now