Chapter Sixty Six

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Chapter Sixty Six

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Chapter Sixty Six

The elevator dropped like a rock, and once again I could only scowl at how Dex and Victor were, somehow, able to stand without holding the railing.

"We're going to the Corridor of Doors," Victor said to me. "From there, we are going to deposit you on a street not far from where Hendricks expects to meet you."

"I just came from the Corridor of Doors!" I protested. "Why'd you bring me all the way up to the board room?"

"Because Mr. Wrogan said to," Dex replied, hand still in his pockets.

"Focus, Amber," Victor snapped, and I turned back to him. "All you have to do is keep him occupied. Talk to him, haggle if you can, but do not let him leave."

"Don't fight him, though," Dex butted in.

Victor gave him a cold look, but then said, "No, don't fight him either. Dexter will be doing a perimeter sweep to make sure none of his minions are hiding out there. Edgar, Mr. Wrogan, and I will be watching from a short distance. When we get word from Dexter, we will attack."

"What if he tries to leave?" I asked. "How do I stop him?"

The two of them shared a look. "If he tries to leave, Amber," Dex said, "he's going to take you with him."

A chill ran down my spine. "And if that happens, you'll jump out and rescue me, right?"

"Just do your job," Victor said, "and let us do ours."

"Mr. Wrogan is doing this to honor your agreement," Dex spoke up. "He's not going to let you get taken if he can help it."

"Especially when that means we would lose Hendricks," Victor added. "Again."

When I looked at Victor, there was something different about him. It took me a minute to figure out what it was, but then it came to me: he actually cared about what we were doing tonight. For once in the time that I'd known him, he wasn't completely apathetic about what was going on around him. I'm pretty sure he was excited about catching Hendricks, though— not helping me.

The elevator stopped, and the doors opened.

"This way," Victor said, immediately setting off at a brisk pace. He led us down the Corridor, passing hundreds of doors without even glancing at them.

"Shouldn't I leave from the pack's house?" I asked. "If Hendricks sees me leaving from somewhere I don't live, he'll know something is up."

"Hendricks doesn't know where you live," Victor answered. "We have done more to your house than put clothes and furniture in it. There are a lot of wards and spells cast over it to make it invisible to evil creatures like demons. He wouldn't be able to see your house even if he looked directly at it."

"Did it never occur to you that he hasn't attacked you once since he destroyed your old house?" Dex added.

"Oh," I said, that fact clicking in my brain like a puzzle piece, "no, I never really thought about it."

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