Chapter Forty Six

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Chapter Forty Six

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Chapter Forty Six

I stood and stared at Stark for a few seconds, my hackles raised. His growl still echoed in my ears, chilling my blood. I wanted to growl back, but memories of the last time I'd done so were flashing in front of my eyes. Pain, blood, defeat. That had been the night I turned submissive...

To my confusion, though, he didn't seem to be looking for a fight tonight. He just stood where he was, looking back at me. He raised his nose a little and sniffed.

Yeah, it's me, I thought. Just like I told you it would be.

He looked exactly like I remembered him. Iron gray fur all over his body, probably the same shade as his hair, without a single spot to blemish it. Stark raised his head and glanced in the direction the Majestic goons' scent was coming from, but apparently decided that they weren't there anymore— just like I'd been afraid he would.

What are you doing? I screamed at him in my thoughts. You know what's going on. You know why I'm here. Why did you come?

I let my ears go flat and tucked my tail between my legs as I silently begged him to leave. He cocked his head at me, as if confused. My frustration grew, and escaped my mouth in the form of a whine. Just run already, you idiot!

But Stark did the exact opposite— he took a step toward me.

"Now!" I heard Wrogan shout, and all four of them came bursting out of the shadows. Wrogan was holding a net like a dog catcher might use, woven with steel fibers that looked like they could stop an airplane. The gems on Victor, Dex, and Ed's scepters were all lit up.

Stark reacted at once, spinning and snarling at his attackers. With his attention off of me, I took the opportunity to retreat to the other end of the parking lot, watching guiltily.

Stark waited until the first of them was within attacking range, and then pounced. Victor swung his scepter in a wide arc, its ruby leaving a blood red afterimage, and swatted him out of the air. Stark skidded across the asphalt, but immediately got back to his paws.

It's not too late, I urged him. Just get out of here!

He didn't, of course. Dex came at him then, aiming his wand as he ran. Stark lowered himself to the ground, eyes following the glowing yellow gem. A beam of golden magic shot from it, and Stark dodged to the side. The attack missed him by only a couple of inches, and he hit the ground and rolled before lunging at Dex.

"Geez!" the blond mage shouted, swinging his scepter to fend him off. Instead of retreating, Stark grabbed the golden wand in his mouth and yanked it out of Dex's hand. Dex stared at it for a moment, stunned, before saying, "Aw, crap..."

Stark jerked his head to the side, sending the scepter clattering across the parking lot, and pounced at him again. I thought Dex was a dead man, but then he spun into a roundhouse kick, his heel connecting with Stark's jaw, knocking him off course. Safe for the moment, Dex stepped back to clear the way for his teammates.

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