Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty One

"I'm leaving you, Barbie," I said in the deepest voice I could manage, waggling my Ken doll in front of me.

"No, Ken, don't leave!" Kimberly said, speaking for the Barbie doll in her hand. "I love you!"

"It's too late for that," I argued, turning Ken around and walking him away. "You'll never understand me."

"No!" Barbie called after him, bouncing around agitatedly. "We were supposed to get married and have a baby!"

"I never wanted a baby," Ken said back. "I just wanted a hippopotamus to play fetch with!"

Kimberly snorted, breaking character for a moment, and then said, "But hippos can't be pets, Ken! It's against the rules!"

Ken glared at Barbie with all the defiance a plastic doll could muster. "I am my own man, Barbie! If I want to buy a hippo, I'll go to the pet store right now and do it!"

"No, please don't, Ken!" Barbie pleaded. "Hippos are..." Kimberly started to giggle, "made of poo!"

I gave her a weird look just before we both broke down and started to laugh.

"Hippos are made of poo?" I asked when I had caught my breath. "Where did you learn that one?"

Still laughing, Kimberly slugged me on the arm. "That's not how it's supposed to go! There aren't any hippos in Barbie!"

"And why not?" I asked, putting my fists on my hips. "Who said there can't be hippos when we play Barbie?"

"There just aren't!" Kimberly insisted. She stopped giggling for a moment to let out a big yawn.

Perfect timing, I thought, glancing at the clock on the wall. I scooped her up in my arms, "Come on, let's get you to bed."

The smell of fresh hamburgers was still heavy in the air when I pulled out Kimberly's bed and tucked her into it. She was wearing brand new pink pajamas, courtesy of the fully stocked closet Majestic had provided for us. She snuggled up with Blister, clinging to him so tightly that I thought his fluff-stuffed head would pop off.

"Good night," I said turning off the lights and lying down on my own bed.

"Night," she replied, already halfway into dreamland. I laid there for ten minutes, until I was certain that she wasn't going to wake up, and then got out of bed.

I hadn't changed into any nightclothes, so all I had to do was slip my tennis shoes back on and leave. The Swag Pag had been happy to leave me and Kimberly alone after our victory the day before. D.K. was consumed with his normal apathy, swaggering around the house and blasting his ridiculous music. Tyler was still recovering, and Kaylie was busy taking care of him. It was weird. She still hadn't gone back to D.K., and the alpha didn't seem to be in any hurry to have her back... not yet, at least.

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now