Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three


A knock came at my door, jolting me awake. A gentle knock, not D.K.'s rude, demanding hammering.

"What?" I asked, trying to blink away my sleepiness.

"Can I come in?"

I sat up. That was Tyler's voice. What did he want? I glanced at the clock Majestic had given to us, and was surprised to see it was almost noon. I got out of bed, throwing the covers over it and pushing it back into the wall.

"Just a minute," I said, going to Kimberly and shaking her awake. To my relief, she didn't argue when I motioned for her to get up, and I hid her bed as well. The toy chest and dresser went next. I may have trusted Tyler more than I did the rest of the Pag, but I didn't want to risk him telling D.K. about the stash of awesome stuff I was hiding.

Luckily, I was still in my clothes I'd worn from the night before, so I didn't need to change. The talk with Stark had been exhausting, and I'd fallen asleep the minute I'd laid down in bed.

I opened the door. "Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said back.

"You need something?"

He jerked his head down the hall. "D.K. wants me to go get some groceries. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

I brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Um, yeah, sure. Can Kimberly come?"

"Sure," he said, and turned to head back down the hall. "I'll wait for you by the door."

I shut the door. "Want to go to the store?" I asked, turning to look at Kimberly. She nodded. "Good. Let's get you something to wear."

We picked out a pair of jeans and a cute pink shirt for her, and a pillow-y jacket to go over it. She wanted to wear a skirt we'd found, but I'd decided it was too cold outside for that.

"Do you like him?" she asked as I zipped up the jacket for her.

"Who?" I asked, looking up at her in surprise.

"That guy who was just here. You don't like the others, but you talk to him all the time."

"He's nice," I answered, looking around the room to make sure we had adequately hidden everything. "There aren't many nice people around here, so I talk to him."

She smiled mischievously, and raised her hands to cover it. "Are you in love with him?"

"No, I am not in love with Tyler," I laughed, leading her toward the door.

"Yes, you are!" she teased me. "My mommy says that girls only talk to boys they love!"

"Did she really tell you that?" I asked, smirking.

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now