Time is the Enemy

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I paced like a caged dragon around Severus' apartment. It's going to happen soon. I chastised myself. I should have tried harder to get to Hermione.

She was around every time I mentioned the mirror to Harry. Maybe she remembered? Maybe?! Maybe isn't good enough!

"I'm going with you." I stared at Severus and Dumbledore hard.

"Absolutely not!" Severus snarled.

"Absolutely!" I snarled back.

"Severus, I believe it is best. She's going regardless of what anyone says or does."

I nodded at Dumbledore. I may dislike the man, but at least he's on my side for the moment.

"Fine." Severus snapped.

I nearly growled at him. This is Sirius' life we're talking about. Not some useless quidditch match. I have to try.

"It's time." Dumbledore's voice was grave as he threw the floo powder into the fire place.

"Ministry of Magic!" I stepped into the flames.

My stomach flipped this way and that, my head spun like I had one to many drinks. I shook myself trying to realign with reality.

The sounds of a battle already being fought echoed through the building.

I ran barely dodging killing curses. No! No no no no NO! I have to get to him. The fight had spilled out of the room with the vail. Sirius wasn't in here. Gods please, let me save him.

"Fancy seeing you again." A familiar voice growled.

I do not have time for this! I spun quickly throwing a knock back jinx. Fenrir Greyback flew back hitting the floor hard. I could hear his growls, but I ignored him.

I was almost to the door when pain seared through my shoulder.  Greyback's claws had dug in deep shredding my flesh. I tried to raise my wand only for more pain to shoot through me. Black dots clouded my vision. Fuck.

Improvising I switched hands. I will save Sirius. You will not get in my way!  Growling I shot another jinx. Greyback dodged it easily.

Damn! I'm to slow with my left hand. I should have listened to Severus and practiced more. Stupid! Stupid mistake! Snarling I threw jinx after jinx. At this point I am full and willing to use the killing curse if it gets this piece of shit out my way.

Fenrir dodged again. I barely threw myself out of range before his claws severed my neck. I slipped on a puddle of blood in my haste. Hitting the ground shot pain from my injured shoulder throughout my body. Darkness started to over take me.

Something heavy landed on my chest bringing me back to reality.

"Instead of killing you, I should turn you." Greyback bared his fangs in an evil smile as he traced a finger down the side of my face to my chest. "I could use a new play thing."

Fenrir Greyback's head hit one of the many statues, not dead but unconscious. I looked over to see who had saved my ass. Fred gave me a smile before moving onto the next opponent.

Forcing myself off the floor I ran for the door. Hopefully I'm not to late.  The battle raged. Spells were being thrown by both sides with a ferocity to rival the beasts. Keeping to the shadows I scanned the room for Sirius.

He's not here? I scanned again and again. No where to be seen. I saw Molly getting ganged up on. I snuck out a jinx knocking one death eater out. Hopefully not Severus.

One of the others turned their attention to me. Alright. Let's do this. I leapt into battle. This death eater was clumsy. Molly and I both knocked out our opponents. I gave her a nod before moving on.

I know he's here, but where? I scanned the room again. There! Sirius and Bellatrix were dueling on the other side of room. Fuck!

My shoulder protested each movement I made. I could feel the blood loss getting to me, but still I carried on getting slower with each step. Sweat rolled down my forehead in waves.

The battle continued around me. I was vaguely aware of the spells being cast. Please. I need to reach him. Darkness edged into my vision. If I don't stop soon I'm going to die. I can't stop. Not yet.

Pain seared through my head:

—flashback —

Blood soaked into the packed earth. Death and decay filled the air. I stood with a spear in hand. My opponent with a sword and shield.

His pale skin and blue eyes were streaked with the scars of this place. Who or whatever he had been before was long gone. I guess I was the same.  The rules are kill or be killed.

He fought hard, but I fought harder. Using my smaller size to my advantage I was able to get into his  guard. With one thrust the spear pierced under his chin. His blue eyes went wide then he was gone. Blue like the sky. How sad.


Blood had poured from a wound in my leg, much like it poured from my shoulder now. Picking myself up from the floor I started to move again. I didn't die then and I won't die now.

I blinked in confusion. Sirius was on the dialysis. "Sirius!" I screamed.

Ignoring the pain I ran forward. Bellatrix laugh echoed in the eerily quiet room. His smile is so hauntingly beautiful in this moment. The joke he was about to make died on his lips.

"Sirius!" I was on the dialysis. His hand slipped through mine. "Sirius!"

Hands grabbed me roughly before I went head long after him. "It's to late. He's gone." The voice whispered in my ear."

"No!" I screeched. Strong arms kept me from going back to him. To at least pull his body away from that awful thing.

"I'm sorry." I felt a wand against my head. Darkness enveloped me, sweet soothing darkness.

I bolted upright. The glaring lights stung my eyes. No. No no no no! My mind raced in a hundred different directions.

"Not so fast." Severus' hands pushed me gently back down onto the bed.

"Sirius?" I looked at him questioningly.

He didn't have to answer. The look on his face told me everything. Tears spilled down my face. No no no! I should have been able to save him. I should have been able to stop it.

Severus patted my arm gently. "I'm sorry Eris."

"I should have been able to save him." I whispered.

"Sometimes what we think we can do are simply not possible." Severus tried to be reassuring.

"But I knew. I knew exactly what would happen." I sat up placing my head on my knees. "I know how it all happens."

"I know." He gave me sad smile. "That doesn't mean you can stop the bad things from coming."

Numbly I nodded. Am I so weak I can change nothing? I can survive being taken and forced to murder, but I can't save the people I love? How pathetic am I? I can survive being attacked by the shadow thing and a pack of werewolves, but I can't save my friends?

I shook my head. I am worthless. Fresh tears ripped from my eyes. Severus sat watching me. He started to reach out once, but dropped it.

"How is Harry managing?" The sound of my voice made Severus jump.

"Not well, as you can imagine."

I merely nodded again. I'm so tired.

"Rest." Severus pushed me down on the bed again.

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