The One Time It Mattered

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"Hey Flare I'm dying." A voice ran out from over a comm. The gray eyed girl perked her head up in panic.

"Oh my goodness send my your coords." She responded in a hurry, quickly grabbing her sword and bow.

"I'm in the desert, -1069, 84, 2049. Hurry!" The boy had responded.

"Just stay alive until I get there Las!" The gray eyed girl started sprinting across the desert in search of her friend. Her multicolored hair flapping in the wind as her boots pounded against the ground.

A little over a minute later she saw the cat masked boy- standing in a house? "Las are you okay?" Flare asked panting. "Where are the mobs?"

A teasing smile from Las and a comment told her there was nothing to worry about. "Hey Flare I'm dead."

An exasperated sigh escaped Flare as she whacked Las on the head. "I was worried about you, idiot."

Las started cackling before he gestured to the house, "This can be a temporary house, we need to gather a lot of food. Catch." He threw a diamond sword and some bones over to Flare as she fumbled around with them. "You should go tame a wolf then go hunting. Don't die~" He trailed off with a smirk.


"Hey Flare I'm dying." The girl woke immediately from her slumber and hurriedly put on armor. She burst out of the house to see Las doing some sugar cane farming.

"You're kidding me-" Flare cut herself off staring at the boy.

His loud laughter echoed over the plains biome they now resided in. "Flare don't worry about it- I told you I don't die easily." He sent a wink at his friend before returning to their sugar cane farm.

"I swear you'll be the death of me one day." Flare sighed.

Las shrugged before glancing up once more, "By the way you might want to fix you hair." He said teasingly.

"Shut it Las!"


A dull thunk sounded as Flare blocked a sword from a wither skeleton. She quickly retaliated by stabbing it with her diamond sword and it disappeared leaving a wither skull and some bones.

Flare glanced quickly at her surroundings before picking up the items. "I got the last wither skull Las, how are you doing." She asked over the comms looking around the nether fortress to try and spot her friend.

"I'm dying by the blaze spawner." He said with a grunt, probably fighting something off.

"Hold on! I'm on my way!" Flare started sprinting the direction of the blaze spawner the duo had recently been able to venture into the Nether.

After finding her way the blaze spawner, she saw it still blocked off. And Las was sitting on the ground eating a cookie. His mask lifted slightly up.

"Oh hey Flare." He said with a wave. Las glanced at her once before returning to his cookie.

"You're kidding me- how many times are you going to do this to me? I won't save you next time." She threatened.

A jolly laugh left Las as he quickly drew his bow and hit a ghast. "It's fun though." He elbowed Flare as she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe for you, but I have to constantly run and 'save you'." The gray eyed girl retorted.

"Naw you love me." Las teased.

A loud laugh escaped Flare, as she shoved her friend lightly. "In your dreams."

A chuckle left Las, as he started walking towards the duo's nether portal. "Cmon let's go home."


Flare and Las were both in the End. After months of preparation they finally gathered enough supplies and eyes to venture in. Their goal was to slay the dragon and free the End.

Flare squinted, and shot at the last remaining crystal. She grinned as she saw it explode.

"Las we only have to kill the dragon! We can do this!" She yelled joyfully.

Las hummed in agreement as he pearled over to the center of the island where the dragon was coming down. "Let's get her!"

Flare let out a shout of agreement as she started to bow the dragon. Las was underneath the dragon hitting it with his diamond sword.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Las got thrown up into the air by the dragon. Cursing he quickly rummaged through his inventory unfortunately finding no pearls and he had used his water buckets earlier.

"Hey Flare...." he started out sadly, staring as he rushed back towards the ground.

"I'm dead."

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