confusing feelings

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Its been 2 weeks since I stop flirting and begin focusing to Jihyo. We always hang out. We're not official yet. But we're getting to know each other more. I love being with her. It makes me happy.

Today, I'm waiting for her class to finish. We have dinner date tonight since its Friday. After the date. We'll try to follow the Squad to the Bar.

I was playing my phone with my earphone. I was startled when someone pull the other earphone.

Eunha: Hi Sana, what are you up to?

She said with her flirty voice.
I look at someone behind her. Its Jihyo.

Sana: Hi Jihyo-ssi. Let's get going? I ignored Eunha. Remember I don't flirt anymore.

I see Jihyo is not in her mood today.

Jihyo: Yeah let's go.

Sana: Whats wrong? Something hurt? Or someone hurt you?

Jihyo: Yeah! I remembered you flirted Eunha before!

I chuckled when I heard that. I pulled her and give her a warm hug.

Sana: That was before I get to know you. I don't flirt anymore.

Jihyo: Ofcourse you shouldn't flirt anyone except me! Or I'll punch your face.

I laugh at her. She's cute when she's jealous.

Sana: Aww I'm scared Ouch!

Yeah she did punch me. And boy that hurts!

Jihyo: It's your fault. You tease me.

I pout while massaging the area she punched.

She began to walk and I followed her.

Jihyo: Let me take a look that. She shooed my hand who's massaging it. Sana you have bruises! I'm sorry!

Sana: Nah! Don't be sorry. I'm easy to have bruises. Not your fault. I explained to her.

Jihyo: Next time tell me things like this huh?

I just nod at her. We're on our way to the restaurant.

We're happy eating our foods.

: Jihyo and Sana? Wow. What are you doing here.

Jihyo: Daniel? What a coincidence.

Sana: Oh hey Seven. I said. I can see that Jihyo smiles at Daniel way happier.

Daniel: Are you two on a date or something?

Sana: Ye-

Jihyo: No we're just talking about projects.

I stare at Jihyo with a confuse look. So we're not on a date? Why did she lie?

Sana: Yeah. Just talking about Projects.

I stand up and went outside. I need to cool my head down, I don't want to be the Sana who easily get jealous. I mean, there's something between us. She told me that she likes me. But why did she deny that we're on a date.

I lit up my cigarettes and smoke it. When I'm done smoking, I went inside just to see Daniel and Jihyo laughing together. Daniel is whispering on Jihyo's ear which make her laugh.

I say down in front of her but they didn't seem to notice me. I eat my food in silence. I'm not in my mood. I let them talk.

It's now 8pm when we finished eating. Daniel bid his good bye to us. I get on the car with Jihyo.

Good Girl, Bad Girl - SaHyo [Sana x Jihyo]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora