Chapter. 10. The wrong guy.

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We worked on the project for hours.

But that blonde guy kept staring at me weirdly.

I finally couldnt take it anymore.

I stood up and pushed the table an inch.

"Okay, why the tail are you looking at me like that? Is it because I'm from Canada? Is it my name? How I look? Tell me, what is it? Because I'm getting ticked off. Did I do something wrong? Is it my personality? WHAT?!" I yelled.

The blonde girl looked at the boy, glaring.

He stood up.

"you really don't know what you've done, do you?" He asked.

I realized now that he was in a cast and covered in bandages. He had stitches too.

"Of course I don't, I JUST got here yesterday from B.C!" I responded, angrily.

"Lier! You tried to kill me two days ago, and you've been stalking  Lexi here and in Australia since she was a kid!" He accused as he signaled the brunette that brought me here.

"WHAT?! No I haven't! Again, I just moved here from Canada!" 


Me and Bella pulled our daggers out and pointed them at Andrew.

"Okay! Hold up, wait a second!" Lexi slid in front of Andrew.

The group looked at her.

"Adrien, what's your problem with Andrew OTHER than the obvious?" she asked.

why is she defending him? He just tried to kill me and has been stalking her sincee sshe was a kid! But, if I had to choose...

"well, his accent is pretty annoying. And I guess his eyes make me wanna punch him." Andrew backed up a step.

"We pretty much sound the same! And it's not my fault I have my eyes!" Andrew exclaimed, offended.

I rolled my eyes.

"Adrien, Just hear me out, okay? Listen, I think this is a different Andrew. The andrew I know can't act, sounds WAY different, and the eye colors are swapped. We've got the wrong guy!" she explained.

"and plus adrien," Bella put her dagger away.

"Did you even SEE the guy's eyes?" she asked.

"N-no, but-" Sage cut me off.

"when's pizza getting here?"

what an idiot.

Lily looked at Sage and shook her head slowly.

was that really important Sage?

I realized that Lexi was gone.

then, she came downstairs with a photo in her paws.

She showed me.

it was the Andrew she spoke about.

I snatched the photo from her and compared it to the Andrew that was standing in front of me.

I was speechless for a moment...

"I've got the wrong guy..." I was wrong?

Andrew sighed in relief.

Why'd he do that... wait a minuet...

"or do I?" Now I was extra suspitious.

"Bro! Give it up! It's not the same-" I interupted Bella.

LPS Gangleader's Girlfriend Book 1: GunshotWhere stories live. Discover now