Chapter. 15. Kai comes back.

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I lay alone in my room,

I'd been in there since I'd gotten home yesterday.

why was my life so broken?

ugh, It felt like I hadn't slept in days,

I felt like I was dying,

I said those things only a day ago...

I had a million texts and missed calls...

Then I heard the front door unlocked and open.

I shot up.

I swear if it's Adrien or Andrew...

"Lexi?! Oh dog, please tell me you're okay!"


I got out of bed, open my door and ran downstairs to tackle my big brother.

"Kai! You're finally back !" Things would finally return to normal

"Hi Bonecrusher."Kai wheezed.

I got off my brother.

I looked over at the door, and saw a pair of eyes I recognized. Along with a cat/collie cross mix.

"Who's that?" I asked. 

Almost hissed... 

"Well..."  he got up, the pet looked at me.

 "L-Lexi?!" Their eyes widened.

 "Do I know you?"  I was not excited by this girl.

 "I'll explain later, anyways, this is Jessica." Kai explained nervously.

 "Is she your girlfriend?"  what, I was suspicious. 

"What!? Ew no!" They both said. 

"I'm your-"

"family friend!" Kai interrupted

 "anyways, no important, where's Adrien, did he hurt you!? Are you okay?! Adrian hurt you didn't he!" Kai got defensive, overprotective brother mode. (I'd told him when I called that I was dating Adrien)

"uh, actually... I hurt him..."  I muttered 

 "say what!? Did you cheat on him? Actually break his bones?!" Kai was shocked.

 "No no! I broke up with him because I saw him with another girl, I didn't let him explain." I explained. 

 "Are you sure that was him?" Kai asked, stepping back. 

"yeah, positive" I said .

 "and that's not even the worst part, the worst part is, he didn't even know what I was talking about, or at least acted like he didn't." I added

 "we need to go over to his house and talk to him."  Kai needed answers, I knew he did. 

"by the way, what day is it?" I forgot.

 "Wednesday, December 23rd?" Jessica replied, almost in question.

 "Thanks"  I grudged. 

 "Lexi, why don't you show Jessica your room"

 There was no way I was becoming her friend. 


I motioned for Jessica to follow me, and we went upstairs. 

 I opened my bedroom door and Jessica squealed in Delight. 

 Then I realized that I was still wearing what I wore yesterday evening.

 "So Jess, can I call you that? Want to pick out my outfit today?"

 "I asked oh my dog! Yes please!" She responded thankfully. 

She shooed me out of the room. 

I was still feeling crazy tired. 

I hated coffee, so I went and made tea that had caffeine. 

 Then I made a pot of Ukrainian porridge, that's tough, is fluffing filling.

 I put bowls of the food, and the tea, on a tray, and brought it into the living room. 

 "Okay, come up for your makeover Lexi!" Jessica called from upstairs.

 I run upstairs and before I entered my room, I smelled the sweet scent of violets. 

 I opened the door and there I saw, Jessica putting up one final scented candle. 

"welcome to the Violet transformation Boutique and Salon, come right this way and we'll start on your fur" Jessica said in a zen Tone. 

"uh, okay?" This girl concerns me.

 I sat at my makeup stand, and Jessica's starts bring my throat with Violet conditioner mixed with water.

then, she brushed my fur,  straightened it,  and sprayed it with more violet scented  conditioner.

then, she started on the makeup. 

"so, uh. What happened?"  Jessica asked.

"Well, I saw my ex with another girl, got mad, wrote him a letter, delivered it to his house, I came back, stepped one paw into the room, and got stabbed, and catnapped, then I said what I wanted to say and now I'm here." I summerized.

"got catnapped? By who?" Jessica asked .  

"my ex, Adrien Pierce" I explained.

"wow! what a jerk!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Tch, I know right!" I said.

"yeah, who does he think he is, why didn't he just come to you to talk like a normal pet, instead of stabbing you, catnapping you, and bringing you to a building?" Jessica pointed

"That's what I said!" I exclaimed.

As she finished my makeup, we talked and each told our stories.

Then she gave me an outfit and told me to go put it on.

I went into the washroom and changed.

the outfit had a pair of earrings, a green collar, and a green, red, gold and white fluffy dress. 

As I came out of the washroom, I got showered in a vanilla scented perfume.

Then, I gave her a christmassy outfit, and she changed.

Her scent was now a scent called santa's secret.

"now, let's eat breakfast and go!"


we went downstairs and into the livingroom, as soon as Kai saw us, I knew we took his breath away.

as soon as we were finished, we left...

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