Chapter. 16. Catnapped...

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Me and Asher watched and listened to the conversation Lexi, her brother, and those Pierce twins had.

"Challenge, you two will date, but, if Lexi doesn't fall in love and STAY in love with you by summer, you two break up and Lexi never sees, talks to, or even texts you ever again, which means no social media contact whatsoever. Deal?" Kai was the worst brother in history.

Then, when everyone else was out of the room, Adrien said something I couldn't make out, and Kissed Lexi on the forehead.

I was furious by what I saw.

I had to keep her from that boy, or she'll wind up dead like the rest of them...

okay, let me clear some things up, 

I'm Andrew Solaire Summers, my twin brother, Andrew Solar Summers, is friends with Lexi, he doesn't and never has, known I even exist.

I wasn't trying to stalk Lexi, I was protecting her.

I tried to kill Adrien because he was following her, and that meant only one thing, he was hunting her.

When he spent time at Lexi's house, injured, he didn't just stay there, he kept doing what he always does, Killing and leaving no evidence whatsoever.

How else can you explain the hundreds of dead bodies lined against the walls in Lexi's unfinished basement?

I didn't break into her house, I knocked on the door, normally, and it was so cold, and so frozen, that it broke and fell right off it's hinges.

That happened to all the doors that got replaced exept for the last one, which I'd left alone.

That camera wasn't mine, It was Adrien's, he left it there when he stormed out of the house.

The locker incident, was an accident, I didn't know Lexi was in there, I was just trying to help whatever cat was in there, escape from Adrien's locker.

In Australia, I only followed her because she was a moving target to gangs, criminals, and just bad pets in general. 

As long as I followed her, they backed off, because they clearly thought I'd be getting rid of her.

She didn't know any of this.

And she never let me explain.

I moved to her school, because I knew something bad was going to happen.

And I went, knocked on her door, to talk to her and explain, like someone normal would, but she always screamed and slammed the door.

Before her accident, the explosion, we were friends. Let me explain

So Lexi was so upset that a friend of her's was in the hospital, in a coma, that everyday, after school, she'd run to an abandoned house.

One day, I decided to join her.

That fateful day, a train was passing, this house was near a train track.

And the train, I don't know why, but it exploded.

We were both knocked uncontious.

We could've died...

But luckily, our friend, Lilliana, came to see what we were up to, and brought us to the hospital.

I woke up, with sharp vision, hearing, and sense of smell, Lexi however, woke up a week later, and remembered everything, except a few details...

The explosion, the building, Adrien, and me...

All she knew, was that I was a weird boy, following her around like a creep.

Lilliana told Lexi's dad that Lexi just fainted from getting a school flu shot.

Lilliana moved away before Lexi woke up...

But to protect Lexi from Adrien at this point, the uncatchable collie, I'd have to do something I will never forgive myself for...

Asher spoke fluent in english and irish.

He didn't just move, he came to stay with my family after his parents died two years ago, and I needed someone on the inside, so, I sent him out.

That evening, I catnapped Lexi...

LPS Gangleader's Girlfriend Book 1: GunshotWhere stories live. Discover now