Chapter. 18. Christmas

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I awoke in my room, Adrien right over me, staring.

"Good morning princess" He nuzzled my nose.

Kai gave me and Adrien a challenge, We date, and if by the end of the school year I don't fall in love with Adrien, we break up and never have to speak to eachother again.

I gave Jessica and Adrianus the same challenge.

Turns out, it was Adrianus I saw kissing that girl, I'd also hung out with him and Asher at school... whoops.

I ran downstairs, and the holiday began.

That afternoon, Adrien's gang, my friends, Jessica and Kai, all at the house, I got a knock on the door.

I wasn't expecting anyone else? Who's this? Door to door advertisement?

I kept a straight face, and opened the door...

My mug in which I'd been holding, fell...


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