Chapter. 11. Panic room.

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I pulled out a few things. I pulled out a bag like, the size of my head, it was yellow, with a purple pawprint and two purple dots.

I also pulled out a flashlight, a home phone, some blankets, ect...

Adrien leaned against the bleak metal.

He sighed in relief.

"where'd you see Andrew? And how did you know that was him?" I asked, suspitious.

"Outside your window, he looked phycotic, and his eyes looked swapped, plus, I gave him a scar right before he tried to kill me. It's unhidable without bandages, plus, I gave him a unique scar." He explained.

"Okay?" Too much info.

then it got cold down here.

I took out my mini heater or as I'd like to call it, The minuscule Fireplace.

I turned it on, and the room obviously got warmer.

twenty minuets passed before I heard the front door hit the ground.

I almost screamed, but Adrien muffled everything.

Five minuets later, he uncovered my mouth, by then, I'd already passed out. 

When I woke up, I instantly remembered why I was down, fifty feet below my room.

I looked over and reached into my backpack that I'd brought down here as a kid.

I pulled out a board game, and set out the pieces and three page instructions.

Adrien saw that I was awake and asked what I was doing in almost a wisper.

"well, since we'll be down here for a while, I figured we'd play a few rounds of this board game!" I responded quietly.

He picked up a piece and the game began.

By the end of our third and final match, the score was two to one. 

Adrien won this time.

All of the sudden, I heard glass break from Mom's room above, I could tell where each room was.

It scared me so much that I started to cry.

I pulled out my anxiety plush and held it close.

This was worse than a thunderstorm.

And I hate storms, they're one of my biggest fears.

Then we heard footsteps...

He's heading to Kai's room!

Adrien held me to his chest, and said something I would never forget.

 I looked at him, and saw a truthful face, one that was on the verge of crying.

and that's when I knew that Andrew would NOT lay a paw on me.

I don't know why, but it happened quick, I kissed Adrien.

I guess that his words brought me comfort.

The I buried my face into his shoulder.

It was a hug, a sign of gratitude.

When I stopped hugging him, I realized the house had gone silent...

I knew what that ment.

We'd be down here for a while, like, a week or so.

LPS Gangleader's Girlfriend Book 1: GunshotTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon