Chapter. 13. Trouble...

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Monday, December. 21, 2020

Dear Diary,                                      

A week has passed since my birthday, an exact week. And A week since Adrien asked me to be his girlfriend. That's right! I'm his Girlfriend now! I am 16 years old and I'm allowed to date. He got me this giant gift that was as big as the door, and there were millions of things in the gift. Today we, yes, WE, Me and Adrien, WE. Anyways, Today we are going to adopt a cricket! If it's a girl, I name it, If it's a boy, Adrien names it, but if the gender is unknown, then we both name it! It's like, 2:30 in the morning, and I woke up, and when I wake up, I can't sleep. So, I decided to write in you. I'll text my cousin, Violet in a few hours. I haven't talked to her since I moved here. Me and Adrien did a LOT since we started dating. And no, he HASN'T moved in with me. pfft, hell no! He's going to pick me up today around 7 so we can walk to school. Today is the last day before the break, so. Anyways, I'll write more later!

-Lexi Breeze


I turned on the new phone I got from Adrien.

Wait. How'd he even know when my birthday was? Oh yeah, right. Diary

I got a call.

Violet? Why is she up this early? And how'd she know I was awake?

I answered it.


"HEY!" She yelled. 

I nearly dropped my phone.

"Ow much? How'd you know I was awake?" I asked.

"Look out your window" She simply said.

I looked got up, walked to the door of the balcony, and outside, there I saw, Violet, on a balcony, waving.

"Wait, Who's house are you at?"

"Mine." she said.

"Ohh" That made sense.

What school do you go to?" I asked, walking back to my bed.

"Ugh, Pet Cross High." She said, discusted.

"Wait, doesn't your friend go there? And you're sister?" I was confused.

"Yeah, my stupid sister, and my backstabbing EX best friend" She said, annoyed.


"Well then, uh... Wanna transfer?"  I offered.

"To where?"

"Sky Institute?" 

"Been there, done that, Just transferred from there, too much drama!" She explained.

"Tch yeah, tell me about it" I felt bad for talking about the school like this, but then again, it was true.

"well anyways, I've gotta go, so uh... yeah, good luck with your boyfriend" She teased.

"Hey! How did you-" she hung up.

How the tail did she know I had a boyfriend?

I got changed and went downstairs, leaving my fur untidy.

I made myself a simple sandwhich and got a glass of water.

That was breakfast.

I decided to at least pretend to be average, after all, my grades were the most average ever.

Straight A's and B's.

After breakfast though, I got the strange thought that I was getting chubby.

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