Chapter One

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It was a hot Friday in late June. I was getting ready for work. I washed my face in my bathroom sink, brushed out my hair, and got dressed in a white, button up blouse, charcoal grey pencil skirt, and black flats. I tied my hair up into a bun, grabbed my purse, and headed out the door for work.

I walked out of the elevator onto my floor. I pushed the door open and scanned the busy room. My colleagues were starting their work in their cubicles. The sound of keyboards clacking rang throughout the quiet room. I made my way to my desk and got myself situated in the desk chair. I clocked in on my computer and started looking through my emails. Great, we've got a meeting this morning.

My eyes rolled and I stared solemnly at the plague on my cubicle wall. "Karmen Torres — Financial Adviser." If only it would read, "Karmen Torres — CEO." A smile came to my lips.

"Alright everyone,"

I stood and peered over the wall. Richard, the floor manager, rubbed his hands together with a large smile. His thinning, grey hair sparkled atop his balding head.

"Everyone to the meeting room."

Slowly, everyone poured into the cramped room on the fifth floor. We all surrounded the round glass table in the middle of the room where our floor managers sat. As usual, we were waiting for the CEO, Mr. Nathan Bell, was late. I sighed heavily. Even though he was the one who arranged it he was always precariously late.

Finally, after fifteen minutes of waiting, his clean shaven face entered the room. He sat his happy posterior down in his chair. The room was silent as he just sat there thinking. A ball passed through his hands, mainly used for his attention issues, and he fidgeted with it.

"Alright, let's begin."

Manager after manager talked about how their floor was doing and what was accomplished. Each floor handled different attributes to help better the public living within rehabilitation apartment complexes around the city.

My floor manager, Rich, stood from his chair and started his presentation. His combed mustache above his lip wiggled continuously.

"Mr. Bell records have shown that our numbers have increased by five percent this quarter!"

I smiled as I listened to him talk. Rich has always been a close friend to me since I first started working here so it brought me some joy hearing him so excited over procedures. When finished with giving the statement for the floor, he paused and cleared his throat. Bell noticed and waved a hand for him to continue.

"Continue Richard,"

Hesitantly Rich looked at me for encouragement. I just smiled back at him. Throughout the many years of working here, Richard has been falling ill more often. So, a few weeks ago, he put in his retirement statement. That meant there was an empty management spot open.

"I would like to appoint someone for my position, sir."

The ball paused in Bell's fidgeting hands. His brows rose and he leaned forward in his seat. For the last week, Mr. Bell has been pressuring Rich to choose someone to take his place.

"Really? Well, do tell! Who's the man for the job?"

Richard smiled wide, his white mustache stretching above his lips.

"Karmen Torres,"

He waved a hand in my direction.

"Would be perfect for the job. She's a hard worker and she knows the ends and outs of this office. Since she has worked here, sir, our annual percentages keep skyrocketing thanks to her outstanding work."

Intrigued, the CEO stared at me. I straightened my stance and glanced back at him. His eyes narrowed, thinking. Finally, he looked away and a chuckle escaped his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Richard, but I'm going to disagree. I don't believe that she'll be able to handle the work."

My hope sank. Of course he wouldn't put me in such an authoritative place. The sexist prick. Richard glanced my way with a sad look in his eyes.

"However, when you think of a better employee, send them my way."

Mr Bell's snake smile made me want to burst into flames. I clasped my hands together tightly. My heart beat thumped hurriedly in my ears.

Once the meeting was wrapped up I stormed out of the room. Why had I even hoped that a man like Nathan Bell would even think about putting a woman up in a management position. God!

I cursed and mumbled scrutiny under my breath as I hurried to my desk. I reached it but, before I could sit down, a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around and smiled at Richard.

"I'm sorry, honey. I tried my best."

Rich smiled kindly. I tried to return the warm gesture but couldn't muster the strength.

"Don't worry about it, Rich. I know you'd put me in your spot in a heartbeat."

His smile grew wider and he rubbed his warm, wrinkled hand over my shoulder.

"You bet I would. You deserve it more than some — some child!"

Richard chuckled. Suddenly he started coughing and hunched over. I rubbed his back to try and sooth him. He's such a gentle, caring man. It's a shame that his lungs didn't develop right at his birth. Every day is an uphill battle for him but he always works with a smile.

If I could I'd take away all those ailments for him. If I seriously could I'd even put Richard up as the CEO. I know he'd do a hell of a lot better than Nathan. That man barely made it through college without his daddy's help. Of course he just had to ask for this position from his father, Frank Bell aka the owner of Revenues Touch Corp.

Richard waved me away as he straightened up. He dabbed at his mouth with a handkerchief as his fit calmed down.

"I'm fine, Karmen."

I didn't believe it but I nodded. He took a few deep breaths and placed his hand back onto my shoulder. His grey eyes were rimmed with tears.

The work day was finally over by five o'clock. I watched as my other coworkers packed up their things and scurred into the elevator. Good luck to them, is all I can say. Traffic is killer this time of day. I yawned and stretched. I still needed to sort some papers before I could leave.

I gathered the stacks into my arms and made my way to the records room. I keyed in the door code and waltzed in. The automatic light turned on and I plopped the heavy stacks onto a table with a heavy sigh. Organizing this would take at least an hour. I rubbed my sore arms and stretched before getting to work.

I glanced at my phone for the time. Six-fifty five. Not too bad. I walked out of the elevator and into the enclosed parking garage. I made my way to my car. I rummaged in my purse for my eyes and stuck it into the driver's side door, unlocking it. I tossed my purse in and was about to sit down before something on the windshield caught my eye. I leaned over my door to examine it. Paper?

I glanced around the garage. No one else was here other than the parked cars. I got the note out from under my wipers and got into my car.

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