Chapter Twenty

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Finally, someone came out of the office. The receptionist breathed heavily as he stepped out of the way, sweat rolling down his red face. A tall, lean man came out from the office and he came over to me with a gentle smile.

"Hello, Miss Torres. I'm Sheriff Perez. How about we go talk in the room just over there, hm?"

I glanced behind me at the metal door. It made me increasingly uncomfortable but I agreed. Mr Perez escorted me to the room. I sat down at the cold, metal table. This was an interrogation room. It was incredibly cramped, just larger than a closet. Perez walked around and sat in front of me. His hands clasped together on the table and he leaned comfortably towards me.

"What would you like to ask, Miss Torres?"

I slowly smoothed the baby blanket in my grip onto my lap and placed the half empty bottle of water on the table.

"Where am I?"

His grey eyebrows rose.

"You're in Greenville, Kentucky."

I pondered on the answer. I licked my lips and glanced around the room.

"How — How far is that from Lexington?"

Mr Perez sighed and leaned back in the chair to ponder. The hat on his head shifted as he rolled his neck around.

"I'd say about two hours."

I nodded. So I wasn't that far away from home after all.

"May I ask how you got here, ma'am?"

"I drove."

"Drove what?"

"A van. It's parked right outside next to the cop cars."

He looked at the mirror on the wall and gave a faint nod. I snapped my head around to it, confused.

"Is someone there?"

He looked reluctant to answer me.

"Yes. One of my deputies. They're going to see if you're telling the truth."

"Why would I be lying?"

"I didn't mean it that way Miss Torres."

I leaned back in the chair and just stared at the blanket in my lap. The door creaked open behind me and I heard someone shuffle in. A well built man stepped in. He looked to be barely in his twenties compared to the Sheriff's winkles and grey hair.

"Yep. Van parked where she said it be."

Sheriff Perez nodded and smiled at me.

"Can I ask you another question, Miss Torres?"

I nodded. He scratched his stubble and clasped his hands tighter together.

"Where did you get the van?"

"I stole it from my captor."

He nodded, agreeing with me. He let the air settle. The boy stood quiet behind me.

"And where is he? How did you get the van?"

"I killed him and stole the keys."

His brows shot up and he glacned at the deputy behind me. My nonchalant tone caught him off guard.

"Let me just clarify your statement, Miss Torres. You say you killed him?"

I nodded.

The Sheriff slowly nodded. He rubbed at his mustache and pondered for a good while. I listened to the clock tick on the wall to pass the time. Finally, he spoke up again.

"Alright. Do you know where you came from, Miss Torres?"

I shook my head.

"Not exactly. I was out on the road at seven and made it here by eleven. So, four hours away?"

"Could you take a drive with me and my deputy out to where you came from?"

I hesitated. My heart beat faster in my chest at the thought of going back there. It would help though, right? I finally agreed. 

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