Chapter Three

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The sun glared into my eyes and I groaned. I covered my head and pressed my face into the sheets. The smell of the fabric made me wake up. This wasn't what my bed smells like. Did I go to my mom's last night? No, this wasn't hers either. It smelled like nothing. I pushed the blanket off my head and looked around.

Realization made my whole body go into shock. Oh my God. This wasn't my room. The only light was from the sun peaking through the covered window. I got out of the bed in a flash but almost crashed to the floor. My whole body ached. I leaned onto the side of the bed and hobbled over to the window.

I pulled at the shutter. Nothing. It wouldn't even budge. I pushed at it, confused. Was this metal? Metal shutters. Panic spread through my body and started constricting my lungs. I sucked in tight breaths and looked around wildly.

A bed. A closet and another door. A bathroom? My eyes landed on the large door in front of me. A metal door. I went up to it and rattled at the handle. Of course it was locked. I smacked my fists against it in anger and sobbed.

"Why am I here?"

I rounded around the room quickly. I tried to open the closet but it was locked too. Tried the bathroom, same thing. I kicked the door and screamed.

"Why am I here?"

I don't know how long I've been in this room for. The sun lowered on the wall across from the bed. By now my guess was that it was almost sunset. The real question was how long was I passed out?

I sat tense on the foam bed with my knees drawn tight to my chest. What was going to happen to me? Who even kidnapped me? What do they want from me?

"Oh, mom."

I sniffled. She was going to come over today with some recipes for me to try. I sobbed. She would go to my house and see that I've disappeared.

I watched the sun set until the room was pitch black. I knew that there was a ceiling light but I didn't want to turn on the light. I shivered and wrapped my robe around my body tighter. As it grew darker the temperature dropped. Reluctantly, I pulled the blanket over myself to get warm.

My eyes opened and I found myself lying down on the bed. I fell asleep? The room was still dark so it wasn't too long since I dropped. Suddenly, the metal door began unlocking. I lept off the bed and ran to the farthest corner. I smashed my back into it.

Outside light flooded into the room and I covered my eyes at the brightness. The door closed back and the figure came into the room.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?"

The light switched on and I flinched. My eyes adjusted and I laid eyes on my kidnapper. He was tall, at least six foot, with dark hair. His smile was eerie and his dark eyes stared into mine. His hands were stuffed into his jeans, relaxed, with a blue t-shirt stuffed into his belt. If he hadn't kidnapped me I may have said he was easy on the eyes.

"I'm glad you're awake, Karmen."

A light hearted chuckle left his throat and he took a few steps towards me. I pressed my body tighter into the wall.

"Don't come near me!"

My voice was shaky and my breathing was erratic. My heart felt like it was going to burst through my ribcage as fear rattled through my body. The man halted at the end of the bed and stared. His face contorted into confusion and hurt. However, he obeyed and stood at the end of the bed. In a surrendering way, he held his hands in the air before shoving them back into his pockets. A large keychain filled with keys tattled on his belt.

"I know what you must be thinking, Karmen, but —"

"Oh yeah right! You kidnapped me and drugged me!"

I just want to go home. I don't know who this man is. My body ached and my muscles spazzed from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. He didn't say anything, just stared expressionless.

"I just want to go home! What do you want from me? Money? Do you want money?"

I stared deep into his eyes, pleading. They were cold, like a fish, and soulless.

"Please! What do you want?"

Nothing I was saying seemed to even register to him. The man turned around and opened the door.

"I'll go get you a drink. You must be parched."

I shook my head violently. I was tired of this. I just want to go home!

"I don't want a damn drink! I want to get the fuck out of here! What the hell do you want from —"

I couldn't finish my rampage of words because he stormed at me. I slunk back into the corner as he towered over me. His hand slapped over my jaw to hold my gaze with his.

"Do not,"

His gaze was angry and it looked like a vein in his neck would pop through his skin.

"Talk that way. You hear me? You will not curse here, Karmen."

My eyes widened. I shook like a leaf in his strong grip. His fingernails stabbed into my skin. It felt like my jaw was going to crack.

"Do you understand? I want to hear you!"

"I —"
I gasped for breath as salty tears rolled down my face.

"I understand."

He slapped my face away and stepped back with a sickening smile.

"I'll go get your drink."

Without another word he left. I fell to the floor and sobbed, cradling my jaw. This was crazy. He was crazy. What does he want from me?

My kidnapper came back into the room with a cup of water. He watched as I took sips of it. With a smile he outstretched his hand for me to grab. Hesitantly, I grabbed it and he helped me off the ground. He let me go and plopped down onto the bed. He smiled more and patted the empty spot beside him. I gulped, gripping tighter onto the cup, and sat beside him.

"I'm going to list some ground rules for you,"

I nodded and shakingly took another sip of the water.

"Rule number one: no cursing. Rule number two: I shall be addressed as sir. This is how you will express your gratitude to me. Rule number three: you may only use the restroom after meals. You will also have a nightly bath before bed. So, no unscheduled bathing."

My stomach flipped and bile came up my throat. What was this? Was I supposed to be his little pet? He shifted his weight on the bed and leaned his back against the wall. With a yawn he looked at me for an answer. When I just stared back his eyes narrowed.

"Do you understand?"

I nodded but he sat up. The glare in his eyes made me shake more.

"Y — Yes — sir."

He smiled and got up, listing more rules as he walked around the room.

"Meals are as follows: Breakfast at seven, lunch at twelve, and dinner at nine."

My tongue licked my dry lips and I nodded along with him. How much more could he control me? Everything was scheduled.

"I — understand, sir."

Finally satisfied, he looked at the watch on his wrist.

"You woke up just in time for dinner. Meal times will never vary, Karmen."

With a smile, he was gone, the door locked tight. I continued to drink the water. My stomach started coming alive for food. Jesus, this man was a major control freak. I need to get home.

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