Chapter Twenty-One

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The Sheriff drove and I sat in the back of the car. I stared out of the window watching the scenery flow past me. The deputy, named Sanchez, and Perez made small talk up front. I didn't answer much. My nerves were never ending.

By hour three they were aching to get out of the cramped car. I glanced out the window and realized that we were getting close. I saw the patch of gravel going into the woods and knew. We're here.

"Turn right, Sheriff."

He turned and we chugged down the gravel until we reached the front of the house. He parked and turned around in the seat to face me.

"You don't have to go inside. Sanchez and I can handle it from here."

I took a deep breath but shook my head.

"No, I'm coming with."

Perez nodded and we all got out of the car. They walked cautiously up to the porch. Perez pushed the ajar door open with his boot and peered in.

"Police! We're coming in!"

With a hand resting on his gun, he entred with Sanchez following behind. I walked a bit behind them before just standing in the door way. They both made it to the couch where Chris' body lied limp. Perez crept a finger down to his neck for a pulse. Nothing. He was really gone. They both relaxed and looked at me.

"You're sure that no one else is here?"

I nodded.

The Sheriff observed around the house as Sanchez waltzed his way to the kitchen. He stared at all the locks on everything.

"Why did he lock everything?"

I stared at the kitchen.

"I don't know."

The two cops glanced at each other before searching the house. I stayed downstairs. I really shouldn't have come back to this house. Everytime I see his face I picture him waking up and coming after me. Eventually they met back in the living room.

"Did you get the van from the garage out there?"

I nodded. My stomach gurgled and I grew nauseous about what was in there.

"There's some — other things inside too."

They glanced at each other before escorting me outside. I stayed in the car as they searched around the property. Eventually they came back with grim faces. Sheriff Perez got into the car and picked up the radio receiver. He talked some code into it and requested back up. The radio crackled in silence before a man's voice came over the speakers.

"Ten-four, Sheriff. Officers are being dispatched.

Perez hooked it back up and leaned back in his seat. I looked around uncomfortably. The silence in the air was chilling and the tense looks on their faces bothered me. I wanted to ask but I didn't know if I'd be able to handle what they were thinking.

Back up came in three squad cars. The officers got out and chatted. I watched them nervously. Some of the officers glanced in my direction with a level of shock on their faces. I slithered my back into the leather.

They walked the grounds before getting back into their respective cars. Sheriff Perez fiddled with his phone before starting a call.

"This is Sheriff Perez with the Greenville Police Department, I am calling about a missing person, Karmen Torres,"

He hummed responses and then gave phone numbers to someone on the other line. He shoved the phone back into his pocket and started the car up without another word.

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