Anything? AnYtHiNg 😈

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Ethan POV. 

I stood up quickly before Blank could pin me down again, "dude. seriously this isn't a joke! where's my dog?" I spat. He stood up as well, "Aww Eef I'm sure there's already a good dog here." he says smirking. I shook my head at his answer, "no. don't exactly know what you mean there Blank?" I say sitting at the table fiddling with a apple on the bar. 

"Your the good doggy Eefy." he jokes yet again. this shit was getting too old and i was tired of joking I really want to know where Spencer was. I glared at him obviously upset, "Blank please? I'll do anything to get Spencer back!" I pleaded. he giggles, "mm anything?" He echoed. I nodded firmly. "yes." I simply answered. 

"Suck my dick." 

0///0 "nope!"

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