Ze Breakfast Bois 💙

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(Blanky loves his Milky. ALSO Im trying to get all of these shitty chapters in! THEY'RE SERIOUSLY STILL IN THE KITCHEN AND ITS MORNING! This story wasn't supposed to go out like this. Its not supposed to be about THEM Only about the break up and Ethan and Blanks birthday but I probably wont get to the main part yet T^T I hate this!)

Bwanky boiz POV.

I sighed, "So now what guys?" I said sounding stupid. Ethan bumps into me, "Shut up with your cringey self." He comments and drinks the rest of my milk. I gasped but didnt really care. lol.

"I miss Mika." He says out of no where. Mike jumps on the table, "NO ONE CARES!" He took the bowl from him thinking milk was in it but none was there he looked up like, "fuck myself' 

😂 pfFfFTttt-


"Breakfast shall we?" I said even tho I already had froot loops. But they were soggy. (like ur dick- 

Chase: OOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!)  "hey ._."

"Hi." Mike said waving like a asshole. I shook my head and sat on the table with Mike. Ethan started to be a little copier and sat on the table too -_- bitch his own table. 

"Ok soo..heres the plan for breakfast, Were going to............eat." I said looking between them like it was a big mission. Mike farted. Ethan just shrugged, "No fuckin crap." He comments.

"OK! In 3 seconds i'll count down and we'll fix breakfast as fast as we can before this shitty Morning is over....okie...ready set- GO!" I fell off the table but no one else was moving, "what u goofs doing! GO!" I repeated. They both did mouth pops, "GURL- U said in 3 damn secondsssss." They flipped there hair -_-

I rolled my eyes and got back on the table, "OK! 3, 2, 1- GO!" I said and we all headed different directions to find what we wanted. (fatties lol)

I grabbed ze froot loops and hissed looking around wildly like someone was going to steal them from me I then ran to get bowls for me UGLY NEW friends and poured the froot loops in ze bowl and spilled it all over the floor OwO

Ethan ran to the bottom freezer on the refrigerator  and opened it up so fast he hit his poor head :( now he be lookin like this- 

(The ice age baby ugly af 😂😂😂😂😂)

Mike ran and got the Milk shaking it in the air like a maniac. I was still pouring the cereal while watching them not watching it when it was pouring all over the place . Ethan finally got inside the freezer....wait? why is he insi- (hush -__-)

He got out the waffles which was his favorite food 😌👌"WAFFLESSSSSSSSSS YEEEEYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" He got out the freezer and screamed with happiness he got his blueberry waffles OwO aww.

Mike ran over to where I was and put the jug of milk on the froot loops. LITERALLY THE JUG WAS PUT INSIDE THE BOWL. "BRUH-" I said shooketh and poured the Milk in the 3 bowls and I kept pouring even tho it was pouring all over the place. "this is how ya do it." I did and made a "uwu" face.

Ethan  meanwhile YEETED the box of eggo waffles in the microwave and put it at 1 minutes, ze PERFECT time to warm floofy waffles. I meanwhile was still pouring the Milk while Mike ran outside for some reason. surprised he didn't slip on the puddles of milk in the floor O.O

"HEY BLANK!" Ethan turned, I jumped and stopped pouring the milk. he was going to kill me for ruining his floor! SHIT! 

"DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES???!!!!!!" He sang getting in my face. I was shook- I wove that song! This was a great time to introduce you to ze BEST song in history UwU-

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