Chapter 8: "I would beg to differ, robot."

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A/N Boris' House Above :) 



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I was so lost.

Sitting on the couch and staring at the four burly Russian men, one in particular. I stared into his eyes trying to see if he was lying or not. His dark brown eyes were swimming with an emotion I couldn't put my finger on.

"So, my parents were involved in some kind of murder and you want to get back at them by killing them?" I wasn't really asking, I was just trying to organise my thoughts because I have no idea what is happening right now. It's like I'm stuck in maths class all over again.

"You could say that," Dmitry replied.

"Can I please suggest you try more of a, oh, I don't know, humane way to get revenge?"

"No can do. They are stuck with that fate, while you are stuck with us." I made a face.

"Oh come, it won't be that bad," Maxim said, smirking.

"Oh, so you are smirking because you want to practice smiling since you have never done it before, okay go ahead," you dickhead, I added the last part in my brain.

"Yeah he is right, you would only have to bear us and our casual hook-ups," Dmitry completed Maxim's thoughts.

My eyes went wide as I dramatically waved my hands in the air and yelled, "Oh no no. You are saying that as if you aren't already enough!" I hastily started getting up. "I am getting the hell out of here--!

My dramatic monologue was cut short when I took one step forward and instead of walking like a normal person, I fell face first. Because why not? Life is so full of surprises.

The boys chuckled,except the stone statue number one and number two, Boris and Maxim. I tried to hoist myself up but because of my apparently numb leg, I couldn't so I settled with sitting on the floor.

"Told you she is needed here," Dmitry said.

"Oh, I am so very glad that you find my pitiful condition so humorous," I commented dryly. "Why me?"

"So since I am here, I have some questions and you, being my dutiful kidnappers, are going to answer them. Got it?"

"Sure," Alexei drew out, grinning.

"Whose murder was my parents involved with?" I find it highly unlikely that my parents murdered somebody, but who knows.

Immediately Boris' eyes darkened, Dmitry stiffened up and the twins went pale. Guess I hit a sore spot. The very large private jet suddenly felt very small and airless as if all its joyous energy was sucked out. If it had any at all.

"You think you have a right to know." Boris' calm and cold tone is way scarier than his angry voice.

"Well, I mean, they are my parents so yes I think I deserve to know how they got the mafia after them." No response, I guess he won't be telling me then. His posture was so menacing, arms folded so that you could clearly see his tattoos on his strong burly --

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