Adventure Begins

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I stand on the deck my hands leaning on the railing of the ship and let out a sigh as I look out at the sea. My name is Dipper Pines, I am 17 years old and I work on board the Mystery. I'm the youngest member of the crew so I usually get the worst work. My parents died when me and my sister Mabel were young so we lived with our Gruncles but they both died of old age a few years ago. Me and Mabel did odd jobs to get by but last month she died. There had been a robbery in a bar gone wrong and Mabel had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. So now it was just me. I needed something to distract me from the emotional pain and I had wanted out of that miserable town for years so I got a job on board the Mystery. The captain and crew are streasure hunters. I thought the pain would go away once I got the job but it's been months since we've seen land and I still feel like the loss of everyone is crushing me. I pull a bandana out of my pocket, it being blue with a white pinetree on it. Mabel gave it to me last year for christmas so it's the only thing I have left of her. I tie it on my head and look out at the sea once again.

A cold wind blows making me shiver. I look up at the sky and it seems like storm clouds are brewing. This can't be good. "Pines!" I turn hearing the capatain shouting my name. "Go below and count invetory before the storm comes!"

"Yes sir." I head below deck and start tallying all supplies and invetory even though I already did it this morning. The ship starts rocking back and forth violently making it hard for me to stay standing. We must be in the worst of the storm now. I stop counting as I hear something that sends chills down my spine. It sounds like wicked laughter but how am I able to hear that above the howling wind of the storm? I listen to the sounds above me and it sounds like fighting. I can hear metal on metal like swords and lots of yelling but then it all goes silent. 'What the fucking hell?' I think to myself. Suddenly I hear heavy footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly hide behind some barrels of apples as the door gets kicked down and two pirates start rummagin through everything. Just fucking great. Of all the things to happen today we had to run into filthy fucking pirates.

I try to peer around the barrel to get a better veiw of the pirates but I end up accidentally knocking the barrel over and both pirates look at me. I make a run for the door but one grabs me as I frantically struggle trying to get free. "Let me go let me go!"

"Quite a feisty one aren't ya." One of the pirates grab my chin. I bite him hard so he lets go of my chin and is now bleeding. I smirk a bit until he slaps me hard across the face making my right cheek bruise. "Hey! Captain said no one but him touches anyone we find." The pirate holding me says. They drag me up to the deck as I struggle and shout profanitites at them.

Once we get to the deck I get soaked instantly by the pouring rain. Blood and the dead bodies of my crewmates litter the deck. A man with a red hat and long red coat stands over a body picking up his blood soaked sword, keeping his back to me and the other pirates. "Captain, we find someone hiding below deck. What do you want us to do with him?"

"Tie him up and put him in the brig for now." His voice is deep and husky. I open my mouth to say something when a cloth gets tied around my mouth muffling my words. They even pull my bandana down over my eyes and tie it tightly around my eyes as a blindfold and I feel them tie ropes around me tightly keeping my arms tied to my sides. I struggle as they drag me somewhere. I feel them take me down some stairs and I get shoved forward falling on my stomach. I hear a metal slam shut and lock guessing I'm now in the brig. I curl up on the floor terrified of what they were going to do with me. Eventually I somehow manage to fall asleep to the sound of the rain hitting the ship.

I wake up at what I assume to be morning feeling someone roughly shaking me. "Get up little boy. Captain wants to see you." I feel someone pull me up and carry me over his shoulder as I struggle around the ropes keeping me tied up.

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