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I think it's been a few weeks since Tad captured me, I'm not really sure. I tried keeping track but eventually I stopped trying, it hurt less if I didn't think about how much time has passed. He now keeps me in the brig of his ship, my wrists tied behind my back and a gag in my mouth at all times. I think he brings me food every few days but like I said before I'm not to sure. Anytime he gives me water it's drugged with something. I don't remember what happens during the time he has me drugged but I know that it always leaves me feeling off. I think my leg wound is infected, I've had cuts infected a few times before but I was able to get money to buy myself the needed medicine. The infection never got this bad before. I'm always cold yet my head hurts and I feel my forehead sweating. I've tries moving my leg but the slightest movement sends a flare of pain up my leg and then it feels like a wild fire is spreading through my leg. I snap out of my thoughts as Tad viciously kicks me in the stomach making me cough trying to suck in air around the gag in my mouth. "You fucking listening you cunt?" He grabs my hair making me sit up to look at him, his hair messy and his shirt along with his pirate hat laying on the ground. He comes down here often to do bad things to me. Things I don't want to go in detail about so lets just say I wish for the mercy of death right now. "I said stop being a bitch everytime you move your fucking leg. You cry out in pain one more time and I'll give you something to cry about." He lets go of my hair letting my body fall onto my side laying on the ground once more. He picks up his shirt and hat and leaves the cell making sure to lock it the nI hear him walk back up to the deck. I've given up hope of being saved, Bill isn't going to risk coming for me. This is my last thought before sleep takes me over.

I feel someone shaking me, it feeling like I'm in someone's arms but I keep my eyes closed scared it was Tad or one of his pirates. "Dipper please please open your eyes for me." Wait, I recognize that voice. I slowly open my eyes to see Bill sitting on the ground holding my upper body in his arms. "Oh thank god you're still alive."  He sits me up and takes the gag out of my mouth untying it tossing it away.

"Bill...." My voice is raspy from having been gagged for so long, my throat is beyond parched.

"Don't talk, save your voice." He takes his knife out and cuts my hands free. I hug him tightly, quietly crying into his shoulder. He hugs me back, rubbing circles on my back. "It's okay Dipper it's okay. I'm here now." He holds my face in his hands gently wiping my tears away.

"I-I thought you forgot about m-me."

His face seems to sadden at this. "Dipper, I could never forget about you. After Tad took you, I spent every waking moment trying to find you. His boat sailed away fast and we lost him in the after storm fog so I spent the last month looking for any signs, listening for any rumors. I went out of my way to go to any towns I could find and go to the drunkards asking for any rumors about Tad's ship coming by recently and last week I finally found a town that he had pilleged recently. He said he went east so I gave  my men orders that if I'm not back in a week to keep going east until they find Tad's ship and blow it apart. I went on a smaller sailboat until I finally found you."

"W-wait, I was gone a month? And you came alone?"

"Just drink some water first Dipper." Takes a canteen out of his pocket and hands it to me. I uncap it and drink it, not stopping until the canteen is empty. "Yes it's been a month and I came alone because my plan is to sneak you out of here. It's easier to do that alone than with a huge ship." I cough into my elbow a bit, shivering and I see concern on his face. He brushes my bangs away from my forehead and presses his lips to my forehead. He pulls away looking down at me. "You're burning up Dipper, what's wrong?"

"Infection would be my guess." He goes to my leg gently taking off the bandages. He rolls up my pant leg and applies a little pressure to the area around the wound making me hiss sharply in pain.

Taken by a Pirate (Billdip)Where stories live. Discover now