Bad Memories

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Once in his room he sits me on his bed. He gets some bandages from his trunk and a bowl of water and rag from the table against the wall. He kneels down in front of me. "I need you to take the jacket and shirt off."

I feel my face go bright red. "W-what?"

He chuckles at my response. "Well I can't clean or bandage your wounds with the clothes in the way."

"Oh. That isn't neccessary, I can manage it just fine on my own."

"Nonesense. Now just take the jacket and shirt off please."

"I don't need the help I can do it myself."

"Dipper. As your captain I order you to take off the jacket and shirt and allow me to help you." He says sternly. I reluctantly strip the jacket and shirt off, blood leaking down and staining my skin. He presses the area around my shoulder making me yelp in pain. "The bullet seems to still be in there. I'll bandage your other woulds before worrying about that." He wets the cloth in the bowl of water and cleans the woulds and blood off of my skin making me wince sharply. He wraps the bandages around my wounds except for the bullet wound in my shoulder. He stuffs a blue cloth and forces me to lay down on the bed. I struggle trying to get up but he keeps his hands on my chest keeping me pinned to the bed as I struggle trying to get him off, my shouts muffled under the cloth in my mouth. "Dipper relax, relax, okay. Let me explain. I'm going take that bullet out of your shoulder and I need you laying down for it and I need you to be calm. But it's going to hurt like a bitch so unless you want the other crewmates to hear you screaming in pain I advise you keep that cloth in your mouth." He reaches into his nightstand and grabs his tweezers and a small blade. He uses the blade to make the wound big enough for the tweezers to fit, making me wince sharply. He started using the tweezers to get the bullet out and that is when it started hurting. My painful screams were muffled from the cloth in my mouth as I kick my feet struggling in pain. "I know I know it hurts but just a little bit longer. I almost got it." He finally gets the bullet out and holds the wet cloth to the bullet wound applying pressure to help the bleeding. Once the bleeding has stopped he helps me sit up and bandages my shoulder as I take the rag out of my mouth.

"You weren't kidding about that hurting."

"I don't joke often. I think you should sleep here again tonight. You are hurt really bad and need rest. I doubt you'll get any rest sleeping on a bunk while everyone else around you is snoring." I just give a small nod of agreement as he helps me take off the boots.

"I'm sorry about the jacket."

He looks confused for a second before going back to unbuckling the boots. "Don't worry about it. I can just stitch it up in no time. You wouldn't believe how many times I had to stitch it up for Will growing up." He laughs slightly.

"Sounds like you guys were close."

"He was my little brother, of course we were. He was my best friend since birth."


"Yup." He gets the boots off my feet and looks back up at me. He points to my chest. "What happened there? It looks old so I know it isn't from tonight." I look down to see what he's pointing at and see he's pointing to a scar on my chest that forms a small X. I debate just lying but since he's seen it there isn't really a point in lying.

"When I was about 14 or 15 years old, I had gotten a bad case of the flu. Mabel was out working both of our shifts since I was so sick I could barely keep any food down. She was working extra hours to afford medicine for me even though I told her not to since I didn't like her working by herself when it got dark. I was laying in bed in the attic we were renting when I heard footsteps on the stairs. They were heavy footsteps so I knew it wasn't my sister. I hid under the bed and saw a man with a pair of black boots. He was pale and really greasey looking. He began searching the room, probably looking for money. I thought I could just hide until he left but because my stupid ass was sick and there was dust under the bed I ended up coughing. He pulled me out from under the bed and told me to tell him where all my money was. When I refused he gave me this X and said if I did'nt obey he would plunge his knife into the X. So I gave him all the money I had been saving up and he took it and left. I never told anyone about this, not even my sister."

He's silent for a few minutes, biting his lower lip before speaking. "Why didn't you tell her?"

"I didn't want her to worry. She was older but growing up she always acted like the younger sibling. She acted so carefree and naive. I didn't want to ruin her carefree nature by making her worry so I took on the role of acting as the older sibling."

"Huh. Anyway you should get some sleep." Bill stands up as I lay down. I look up and notice him taking off his shirt.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Hm? Oh, my shirt is wet from the storm and I don't like sleeping in wet clothes." He lays on his back next to me. I take off my bandana holding it in my hands. "Why do you wear that all the time?"

"Mabel made it for me for Christmas. After she died, I couldn't afford to stay in the attic so the guy I was renting it from sold all of my belongings along with all of hers. This is the only thing I have left of her."

"What happened to your sister?"

"I told you. She died. Wrong place at the wrong time."

"No. Tell me what really happened to her." He rolls on his side to face me.

"I can't...."

"If you can survive an attack from navy officers during a storm I think you can tell me the truth. Besides I told you about WIll, it's only fair."

I roll on my side to face away from him, tensing up before talking about it outloud for the first time. "It was our birthday a few months ago, we were twins like you and Will. We both finally had a day off and she wanted to go out and celebrate our birthday. I was just so tired from working that I wanted to go to sleep. I was harsh to her because I don't like my birthday so I didn't get why she wanted to celebrate it. When she pulled on my arm I shoved her back and told her to fuck off. I layed down pulling the blanket over my head and yelled that if she wanted to celebrate it so badly then she should just go by herself and piss off. I heard her leave and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning but she wasn't back so I thought she must've drank at the bar and passed out there because it has happened before. So I went to the bar to get her and there was a crowd of people and a whole bunch of cops. Turns out sometime that early morning some people came and robbed the place and shot everyone inside. I lost everything that day. I had lost my parents when I was little and had lost my Great Uncle's a few years prior so she was all I had." I clench the bandana tightly trying to hold in my tears until I felt Bill's arms around me pulling me to his warm chest. I feel his forehead rest on my shoulder as I finally allow myself to cry for my sister for the first time in months.

"Shh shh it's okay. You're okay so hush now. I'll protect you no matter what I promise. Just get some sleep and everything will be better in the morning I promise." He whispers into my shoulder. I close my eyes starting to fall asleep when I feel him softly kiss my shoulder. I blush but then smile a little, because I can't deny that I liked feeling him do that.

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