The truth behind the eyepatch

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Author note: Imagine the guy on the left with purple hair and wearing purple and that's what tad looks like. It was the closest thing I could find to what I wanted for him to look like. And chapter contains material that may be sensitive to some readers such as rape

My eyes slowly flutter open my head pounding and my knee burning in pain. I try to move but find I can't, my hands being tied above me. I start to panic and try to scream for Bill but realize I also have been gagged with a cloth tied around my mouth. The room is too dark to see anything but I feel that I am laying on me bed, though if my memory serves me right and all the events of last night weren't a bad dream then this probably isn't Bill's bed no matter how much I wish it was. I hear a door creak open and standing in the doorway holding a candle is the man with purple hair. I struggle more as he approaches me. The candle light is dim but I'm able to make out that I'm in a bedroom and my jacket lays on the floor and bandages wrapped around my knee from where he shot me. He firmly holds my leg down to the bed, adding pressure to my knee making me yelp in pain it muffled under the gag. "Calm the fuck down brat. I won't hurt you just calm down." He sets the candle on the nightstand next to the bed then reaches over and pulls the gag out of my mouth letting it hang around my neck. "There. That's much better isn't it?"

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"Oh right we haven't made proper introductions. My name is captain Tad Strange and you are aboard the Crying Widow."

"That's a dumb name for a ship."

"Wasn't my choice, I took the ship from some poor bastard years ago. Now what would your name be boy?"

"Go to hell and fuck yourself."

He glares at me and grabs my knee squeezing it tightly making it hurt like a son of a bitch and scream in pain. "I don't appreciate the attitude kid. And to answer your question from earlier it's not what I want from you, it's what I want from that bastard captain of yours."

"What do you want from him that justifies kidnapping me after trying to kill me and shooting my leg?"

"He really has't told you anything about how he came to be a pirate has he? Or about his eyepatch."

"What would you know about any of that."

He puts his hands on either side of my head leaning down close to me. "The only reason he's got that glorious ship, a loyal crew, or is even a successful pirate captain to begin with is because of me. Hell I'm the reason he has to wear an eyepatch to begin with." He gets up and goes to his desk in the corner of the room getting a canteen. I notice him put some kind of powder in it.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm assuming since you were wearing Will's jacket then you are already aware of how his brother died."

"They were attacked by the navy and Will was pushed overboard and drowned."

"Really tragic. He was a good kid."

"How do you know Will? He died before Bill was a captain."

"I grew up with both of them. In the same shitty town you have been running away from for nearly a year since it's your fault your sister died."

"H-How do you know about that?"

"I have my ways of finding out about people, spies in nearly every town around the atlantic ocean. Would you like to know how Bill came to be a pirate?" I hesitantly nod my head yes. "Well he, Will and I grew up in the same shit hole of a town where nothing happened. All of us orphans and poor, strugging to get by day to day. Two pirate ships attacked the town when we were 12. One ship took Bill and Will prisoner while the other one took me. For years I tried to find ways to find them again thinking they would be scared out of their minds and I wanted to get them home. I became captain of the Golden Triangle. One day we got attacked by other pirates who wanted my ship. During the battle I heard someone coming up behind me so I turned around and swung my sword hearing him scream in pain. It wasn't until I realized it was my friend Bill Cipher and blood was pooling from his eye socket. I tried to explain and apologize but he wouldn't hear it and attacked me. Me and all of my men got kicked off it as he sailed away with my ship and I got stuck with the shitty one he left behind."

"He did what he had to in order to survive."

"Maybe but he took what I rightfully earned. I worked my ass off for years in order to get that ship and I will do everything in my power to take it back whether that asshole likes it or not and you are going to help me. The only way he'll get you back is if he gives me my ship."

"He isn't going to trade his ship for me. He can make anyone else his first mate to replace me."

"Maybe so but if that's the case then you are going to have an unpleasant time here with me." He sits on my waist straddling my hips and unbuttoning his pants.

"W-what are you...." My eyes widen realizing what he's doing. "No no no get off of me!" I struggle again trying to get my hands free. He shoves the gag back into my mouth muffling my screams for him to stop. He blows out the candle but I can still hear and feel him tug my pants down to my knees and grab my hips. Everything is quiet for a few moments until I feel him shove himself into me making me scream and sob against my gag struggling harder my wrists bruising from struggling against the ropes. With each of his thrusts into me I scream and sob wishing for this all to stop. I finally feel him release into me and my body betrays me climaxing onto the bed sheets as I sob weakly struggling still. I feel him finally pull out and pull my pants back up. I feel him get off the bed and see him light the candle and pull his pants back up.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it." He unties the gag tossing it to the ground and unties my hands pulling me to my feet. He grabs the front of my shirt in his hands and lsams me against the wall. "I will do this to you everyday until he gives me my ship back and if you try to fight back or attack me or try to leave then trust me I will make it worse. Understood?" I weakly nod my head yes. "Good boy." He lets go of me as I slide to the floor. He walks over to his desk picking up his canteen and brings it over to me. "Drink, you need it." When I don't make a move to drink it he forces it against my lips forcing me to drink it. My vision starts going fuzzy until I fall unconcious into darkness.

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