New Opportunity

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I feel someone genlty shaking my shoulder. I groan wanting to stay asleep in this warmth. "Pinetree, wake up." A voice coos in my ear.  I slowly open my eyes, it taking a few minutes for me to realize I was in Bill's bed again. I feel pain flare up in my arm shoulder and stomach making me groan in pain. "Careful Pintree. You wounds will still be sore for a while."  I look at the bandages, the events of last night coming back to me. I look over my shoulder at Bill, laying on his side looking at me. I quickly look away my face blushing red. He gets up and pulls his shirt on buttoning it up. I get out of bed and pick up my shirt from last night but he takes it out of my hands. I go to say something but he puts his finger over my lips to silence me. "No arguing Pinetree. This shirt is stained red and torn from that sword. You can borrow one of my shirts and when we get to the next port I will get you a new shirt." He opens his trunk and pulls out a yellow shirt handing it to me. I pull it on and button it up as he sews up the bullet hole and tears in the jacket I wore yesterday. He helps me into the jacket and sits me on the bed as he puts the boots on my feet and begins buckling them. "Hey Pinetree, I got something to ask you."

"Yes Bill?"

"I would like to make you my first mate."

My eyes widen at this. "W-What? Why? Why me? I'm not even the quartermaster, Teeth is. He should be the first mate not me."

"First of all teeth is a fucking idiot and he's lucky I haven't thrown him off the ship yet. And I am picking you because I've seen you in action. You spent enough time at sea to know what you're doing without needing to be told twice. You're smart and capable of doing most things by yourself. You found a way to warn me about the navy last night and if you didn't we would've lost more lives than we did. You kept me alive in battle with only knowing the minimum of sword fighting. There is no one else I trust to be my first mate." He looks up at me. "So what do you say Dipper?"

"What happens if I say no? Will you kill me?"

"Of course not. You say no and our lives go on as if I never asked and you go back to secretly trying to think of a way to possibly kill me. You don't need to say anything to defend yourself I know by the look in your eyes that it's what you've been thinking and no I'm not mad. Half my crew wishes they could kill me but they all know that they can't. So, will you Dipper Pines be my first mate?" Part of me wants to say no and call him crazy for asking but the majority of me wants to agree and make him proud for a reason I can't explain.

I nod my head yes as I speak. "I would be more than thrilled and honored to be your first mate Bill."

He smiles up at me. "I am more than glad to hear that Pinetree." He takes my hands and pulls me up to my feet. "We'll announce it to the crew and tonight we shall celebrate like there's no tomorrow." I go to leave but he grabs my arm and turns me to look at him, a serious look on his face. "And Pinetree, I appreciate you being honest and telling me about your sister. I know how it feels to be guilty over losing a sibling. The guilt eats and tears at you and if you let it, it will tear you apart. Don't let it tear you apart please."

"Like your not letting your guilt tear you apart?" I pull my arm out of his grip getting defensive.

He sighs before looking at me. "I did, but I found something that helps keep it from tearing at me. Now come on." Putting a hand on my shoulder he walks me out and onto the deck and up to the sterring wheel. He loudly whistles to get everyone's attenion. "Alright you idiots listen up. I would like you to meet my new first mate." He tightens his grip on my shoulder as everyone looks at us, giving small glares to me. "I expect that you will listen to his commands as if I was giving you the orders myself. If I catch any of you disobeying him, then you should pray that I show you mercy. We'll celebrate his promotion tonight and drinks will be on me." That gets everyone cheering before they get back to work. Now, Pinetree, I have to look at some stuff in my office so come over here, you're steering. I trust you know how."

"For the most part." I grip the wheel in my hands.

"Just keep us going Northeast and you'll be fine." He walks off to his office to do who knows what.

As the day goes on I make sure everyone is doing their work although no one is happy to be taking orders from me and I'm just left with my thoughts and I can't help but think about what Bill said earlier, about how his guilt doesn't eat him anymore. What is he doing that doesn't let the guilt eat at him anymore? I don't even realize Bill is there until I feel someone hit the back of my head. "Ow!" I turn and see him with a smirk on his face. "What was that for?"

"You were spacing out. I was saying it's nightfall now so come on down to your celebration party before they drink all the ale."

"I don't even drink."

"You do tonight." He grabs my arm and pulls me down to the dining area where people are loudly talking laughing and drinking. He hands me a wooden mug with some dark liquid in it, it smelling strong and disgusting. "Drink up Pinetree." He chugs down his own mug of this mysterious liquid.

"I would honestly rather not. I told you captain that I don't dr-" I get interrupted as he pushes the mug to my lips and tilts my head back forcing me to drink it, it tasting bitter and feeling like fire going down my throat. I drop the mug pushing him away as I cough my eyes watering.

I look up and see him laughing. He pats me on the back before he walks off, that stupid jerk.

Hours later I'm standing in the corner while everyone else is either passed out drunk or talking nonsense drunk. I sigh setting my mug down ready to head to my bunk for the night when I feel an arm around my waist and a gloved hand cover my mouth muffling my surprised and panicked screams for help. I struggle as I feel myself getting lifted off my feet and pulled out into the hallway as I kick and struggle trying to scream. I manage to kick the wall with both my feet and use the force to knock me and my captor back against the wall behind us. I hear a grunt as his grip loosens around me and I'm able to get free from his grip. I turn and see Bill sitting there with a smug smirk on his face.

"W-What the fuck?! Why the hell did you do that!" I shout. He stands up pushing me up against the wall putting his hand over my mouth. I try to push him off my protests muffled under his hand.

"Hush nowww mmmmmy Pinetree." He whispers in my ear, his voice heavily slurring indicating he's drunk. I thinkkkkk want to fffffuck you so hardddd."  My face blushes bright red hearing this. He grabs my hand pulling me towards his room before I can say another word. What have I gotten myself into this time?

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