My life for you

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I struggle weakly against the ropes binding me to the mast, being tied so I was forced to stand despite my leg being in such horrible condition. It feels like these ropes are cutting into my wrists. Tad has kept me tied to this mast without food or water for a few days now and I haven't heard what happened to Bill either. I think him pouring the ale on my leg wound had helped but it feels like it's getting worse again. I look up at the night sky wishing that I could go back in time and change anything to keep this from happening. I take a second glance at the sky and I manage to spot the big dipper, it making me chuckle slightly. "What do you know, I'm in the sky. And now I'm talking to myself. I must truly be going crazy finally." I look out at the sea and for a minute I think I see Bill's ship. "What....what the fuck?" I blink a few times and look again but the ship is closer and before I can question what is going on several cannon balls hit the side of Tad's ship. He yells orders at his men as Bill's ship comes up alongside Tad's and Bill's men swing over and start fighting with Tad's men. I fell the ropes around me get cut me falling onto my hands and knees. I feel someone grab my arms pulling me up as I struggle fearing it's Tad or worse. "Let go let go!"

"Pinetree calm down. It's me, it's just me." A hand grips my chin making me look up and I see Bill, his lip split open and and several bruises on his face along with bruises on his neck.

"B-Bill....." I hug him tightly and feel him hug me back. "I'm so so so sorry." I mumble into his chest.

"Shh it's okay Pinetree it's okay. You should know me, I always have a back up plan. Figured if I couldn't sneak you out then my ship would come soon. They know to follow my orders no matter what." He puts my arm around his neck and puts his arm around my waist. "Let's get you back on my ship before anything else happens to you." He begins helping me go towards the gangplank that his crew members had lowered.

I notice a flash of purple out of the corner of my eye and quickly I push Bill to the side managing to pull out his knife in the process and quickly turn stabbing the knife into something. I look up and see Tad, his eyes wide open in shock and blood gushing down his body. His body falls limp to the ground blood staining the deck. "Dipper!" Bill looks at me with shock and fear in his eyes. I'm confused until I look down seeing Tad's sword pierced in my stomach. It had happened so fast that I hadn't even realized that it happened. I cough a bit in pain, feeling blood dripping down my chin as I fall to the ground, Bill catching me in his arms before I hit the deck. "No no no! Dipper please no!" I see tears falling down his face.

"Bill." I cup his cheek in my hand gently. "C-Calm down....I ain't dead yet...."

" doesn't look like the sword went all the way through so it's just stabbed in your mid section. If I take it out now you'll bleed to death before I can heal you." He looks up at one of his pirates, Teeth I think, and waves him over. "I need you to grab his legs and help me get him back to my quarters."

"But captain he's a lost cause. He's going to die."

"Did I ask for you opinion?"

"No but-"

"Then just fucking obey the orders! I am your captain and you will obey me!"

"Yes captain." Teeth grabs my ankles while Bill holds me under my armpits and they both lift me up. I cry out in pain weakly the smallest movement hurting. They carry me back onto Bill's ship and into Bill's sleeping quarters laying me on his bed.

"Teeth get out." Teeth leaves without another word. "Okay, this is going to hurt." Without warning he quickly pulls the sword out me screaming in pain as blood gushes from the wound. Bill quickly puts his hands on the would applying pressure making me grunt in pain a bit it hurting but I know he's trying to stop the bleeding. "It's okay, you're going to be okay."

"" I mumble as I lose conciousness and my vision fades to darkness.

Taken by a Pirate (Billdip)Where stories live. Discover now