Chapter 14.

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Azriel groaned as Fallon pulled back, breaking their kiss.

It had been a significant night. He thought she'd somehow found out about the offer of her new position and had decided to meet him because of that.

But as it'd turned out, she'd indeed been in the dark about that. And instead of him surprising her, she'd turned the tables. He'd never expected to share his feelings with her. Azirel had known for some time now that what he felt towards her wasn't just friendship. But he'd been a coward. And yet he still ended up with the girl of his dreams.

She truly was there, in his arms, looking up at him with starry eyes and a bright smile in the darkness. As their lips met the candles around them went out one by one. Vivienne didn't need to focus when she did it, she didn't even as much as blink as the flames died down.

And there they were, figures on a mountain peak, illuminated only by the moonlight. 

"Is it real?" Vivienne leaned her head back to look Azirel in the eye. Under the moonlight, hers were more of a pale green, but nevertheless still burning with her fire behind them.

Azirel's body tensed, but Vivienne only rolled her eyes at him and his quick worrying.

"Is the offer real?" she locked her hand together behind his neck.

"Absolutely," Azriel's body relaxed beside her. "Cassian wants you to over see the Illyrian troops while he reinforces the ground army." When Cassian had suggested this at dinner, Azriel'd immediately backed him up. She was a perfect fit for the position. Rhys had even gone so far to suggest Azirel to take over, but he'd declined immediately. The Camps had never been his home and the Illyrians never his family.

Vivienne's smile grew and Azriel knew she'd accept. But of course everyone'd known she would. That was why he had to get her back to the House of Wind, no matter how much he wanted to stay here with her, possibly forever.

She was dancing around the peak to celebrate, her hair floating on the light breeze and Azriel noted how the yellow dress exposed her shoulders and how he wanted to kiss her there, to feel her soft skin against his own. He shook his head lightly as if to force himself to focus back on the task. Bringing her to the house.

"Are you done with your celebration?" he mused at her flushed cheeks.

"Why?" she bit her lower lip as lust coloured her eyes, "Have any better plans?"

Azriel's eyes widened at her suggestion and she winked at him, knowing she managed to surprise him. He found that it'd become the source of her pure happiness - to see his stern features surprised. And he's also realised that he didn't mind his mask breaking in front of her.

He was about to tell her that they were needed at the House of Wind, but then changed his mind. Two could play this game, he thought as he matched the fire in her eyes.

"Follow me and find out yourself," he winked before shooting into the air towards the house leaving Vivienne with an amused grin. He was getting better at this game.


Vivienne had to give it to Azriel. He knew how to get her attention. She spread her wings after looking over the mountain out to the sea with the moon's reflection bathing in it. Home.

She saw Azriel land on the balcony of the House of Wind and she joined him a second later. The inside was dark and unusually quiet as Azriel opened the door for her to enter a strong hand finding his way to her lower back. She mused at his sudden show of affection and felt her heart bloomed like a flower blossom.

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