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Hey guys new story! Diana is close to being done, It was actually suppose to be a short story and I kind of made it longer haha but anyway I'm here with a newer idea and I hope you crazy bishes will love it too...this chapter is the prologue so enjoy!
[Niall the Nerd]

"Move out the way nerd." A football player says shoving the poor boy into the lockers. The boy on the ground goes by the name of Niall James Horan. This starts Niall's Senior year and he is nothing but happy. "This is the last year then I'm done with these assholes for good!" He thinks before fixing his black square framed glasses on his face. He fixed his dyed blonde hair before going into deep thought. Niall never understood why he was always bullied. What is so bad with having outstanding grades. Not everyone wants to be porn stars and drug addicts after they graduate. Niall was lost in his own world until a voice broke him out of his trance.
"Um...hi, I'm new here and I'm completely lost. Would you mind helping me?"
The voice said. Niall looked up from where he was sat on the ground and locked eyes with one of the most gorgeous Homo sapiens he has ever laid his ocean blue eyes on. Niall wanted him to be the chemical to his beaker.

[Louis the Jokester]

Louis Tomlinson loves a good prank, so when he has an opportunity he will take that chance. Everyone has gotten use to the brunette lads constant pranks and jokes that it has became second nature. As Louis walks through the halls he smirks remembering the prank he set up early this morning for first block.
"Oi! Tommo, what kind of prank you got planned for today?" A boy that so happens to be in his first block asks.
"Jake dude you will find out during first block, fair warning though mate, be careful of the way you walk into the classroom." He said with a smirk and continued to first block.
When he approached the classroom he saw he was the first one there..Perfect! He carefully tip toes to his seat and sat down. When students started to come in each one of them started falling. One by one or maybe even four by four people started falling around the classroom.
"Ugh! Damn it Louis! Really you waxed the floor." His best friend Eleanor complained, using a desk to pull herself up, only to fall right back down.
"Yup! Pretty clever right?" He asked with a smirk. Eleanor glared at the blue eyes boy.
"If I break anything, you are paying for my medical bill." She said finally making it to her desk beside Louis in the back. All Louis could do was laugh. The bell rung and our history teacher Mrs. Hiccum along with class Nerd Niall Horan walked through the door both slipping on their way in. The scene caused the class to erupt in laughter. Causing Mrs. Hiccum to glare, mainly at Louis, and Niall to blush. Niall finally made it to his seat, after three tries red face from obvious embarrassment.
"Okay class we have a new student today, please welcome Mr.***** ******. Please come in *****." Mrs. Hiccum introduces. A boy walked in and slipped but, Misses caught him before falling.
The boy was the most sexiest boy he had ever seen and he knew he just had to have him.

[Liam the Jock]

Liam Payne is absolutely the most popular boy in school. His father is a very famous lawyer and his mom is a cook, making him live a rich life style. He is captain of the footie team, apart of the music program at school, and he is really smart. You would guess that having a life like this would make him a cocky bastard. Sorry to say, if you guessed it you are wrong. Liam is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. He never takes anything for granted, and helps others when he can. Second block was P.E. for him and the class was playing football. Liam was in the zone making tons of goals, but never forgetting to pass the ball to his team mates for their time to shine. Liam was passed the ball again. "Focus Liam focus." Is what he kept muttering to himself. He quickly ran his hand through his brown hair before kicking the ball. It was a fantastic kick, but unfortunately it miss the goal and went flying towards a boy reading a book while walking.
"Hey mate look out!" Liam screamed, but it was too late the ball hit the kid straight in the head making him plummet to the ground. "Shit!" He swore and ran over to help the poor lad.
When Liam approached the boy on the ground. The brown eyed lad took in the features of the boy on the ground. Liam thought that the boy was absolutely stunning!

[Zayn the Bad Boy]

Zayn Malik, he was someone you didn't mess with. He is a guy with raven hair, golden brown eyes, and tons of tattoos, making him totally attractive. Zayn was outside smoking a cigarette. Wind blowing through his black locks, but he was too into his cancer stick to care. He looked down at his watch and saw he was late to class. Perfect.
Zayn walked back inside and started down the hall way he decided to take the longer route and go through the science wing to get to his English class. He turned the corner to enter the science wing and bumped straight Into someone, knocking who ever it was to the ground.
"Hey watch where the hell...." He started until the boy looked at him. Zayn hated people, never really big on relationships, but when he looked into the eyes of the lad that he had knocked down, his whole world changed. He wanted this boy to be his, and no matter what Zayn always gets what he wants.
A/n: That was the prologue! I hope y'all liked it! I can't wait to start this story!! Please vote and comment and if you haven't already go check out my other story called Diana! By love you guys and remember you are #perfection

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