#72 Cuticle Tantei Inaba (comedy recommendation no.6)

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Comedy Recommendation No.6

Cuticle Tantei Inaba

Genre: Comedy, parody, action

Episodes: 2 episodes

Manga: 10 volumes, status ongoing

Opening song:  Far Away, In the Everydays by Junichi Suwabe. 

Ending song: Prima Stella by Tōru Ōkawa.


The story revolves around Hiroshi Inaba, a genetically altered part human and part wolf being. Inaba is also a private detective, who runs his agency with the help of his cross-dressing secretary, Yuuta and his "mostly normal" teenager assistant Kei. The plot mostly centers around the gang trying to arrest Don Valentino, a goat who literally eats money.

Own opinion:

 Cuticle BOLT!! Hahahaha! I love this anime, its so funny that's why I categorized it in comedy genre. I remembered me and my bestfriend tried to remember some funny moments in this show and we where LOLing so hard. And that time we were in our school so our teacher scolded us, Aww the memories.

This anime is very similar to gintama for me. Well maybe not that similar because Gintama is the funniest anime made (for me). But if i was asked what''s the 2nd funniest anime (for me) its this show. :) so if you want to stop watching tragic anime with so many feels then watch this anime to laugh so hard that you will cry.

And by the way INABA-SAN KYAAAAAA!!! LAV YA!

Rank: 5 over 5 stars

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