chapter 4

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Sakusa pov-

I was planning to eat with the others but I could no longer accept the idea of eating at a table that others had eaten at, no amount of insisting would make me believe that table was clean nothing was ever fully clean it could always get dirty. I decided that eating at my table in my dorm by myself was a much smarter idea and I could grab some food from the vending machine.

Atsumu pov-

As I walked towards the vending machine I noticed a tall figure, as I got closer I noticed the way his hair curled naturally, in other words, I noticed it was omi-omi.

"What are ya doing here?" I giggled.

He rolled his eyes, "I am trying to get this vending machine to work but um.."

He pauses to point at the button as though it was infections.

I giggle, " ya really are a baby omi-omi! It's just a button!"

He turns bright pink in embarrassment, "so you really don't see the tiny little germs crawling the vending machines buttons?"

I stare at him, "There's nothing at all."

"Right here", he points at the germs as though he could see where they were, "it's crawling up now and-"

He shivers as the thought of the germ crawling up the button was the worst thing on earth.

I smile, "Hey omi-omi not all germs are bad ya know! I mean som' of them are actually helping our body and everything!"

His eyes glared, "That is only for bacteria, idiot!"

" Same thing!"

His eyebrows went up as though that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard of and honestly it might have been since it was coming from me.

"Bacteria can be positive and negative like not all of it is bad only some are while germs are more like viruses, they are always negative and never good for you a bit like you."

I stare at him, " I am very much not a germ! I'm a homolompian!"

He laughed, "homo sapien not whatever you said."

That was the first time I had seen him laugh since joining the team, it was as though the whole world bended to his will with that one smile.

He stared at me, " Is something wrong?"

I smiled even more, "no I just saw something I liked."

He rolled his eyes, "So are you going to give me the drink or just stay here forever?"

"Sure I'll get you a drink omi-omi what number?"

" Ummm number 3."

"Wow plum juice huh?" 

He blushed, "Shu- shu- shut up!!"

I giggled as I pressed the button.

Sakusa pov-

Why the hell was that laugh so cute every little thing he did was adorable before I found it all so annoying but now... Shion was right I should have given him a chance from the start at least try to get to know him because although he might be annoying he had good intentions and he doesn't mind that I'm a germaphobe even if he's a bit dumb on the subject at hand.

"Here." He hands me my drink.

"Umm do you have a wipe?"

He thinks a bit before grabbing the drink with him and running to his dorm, "I think I have a packet of new wipes somewhere there, BE RIGHT BACKKK!"

I laugh as I watch him run all the way there just for some wipes, he's cute, really cute.

I shake my head. No, not gonna ever happen, idiot, I can't touch people no matter how much I want to and I don't even like him he just looks a bit cute... like an umm doll or whatever else is cute not like boyfriend cute, never boyfriend cute.

AHHHHH! This chapter I have to give credit to my mum a certified doctor for explaining to me the differences between the two  (germs and bacteria) cause I was just as lost as Atsumu! If you were too please let me know so I dont feel like the only one who's dumb :(

Thank you very much for reading!!!

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