Chapter 6

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Atsumu pov-

His house was sparkling clean like, you can see your face on the floor clean, like well you get the point it was clean-

"Um just stand there for a second," said Sakusa

I stare confusingly, "sure... omi-omi."

He returns with a bright blue mat, nothing I thought he would own, "Sit here."

He throws it on the ground as I sigh, "Am I a dog?"

"You can either sit here or never come back here again."

I sigh as I walk to the mat and sit down, "There you go omi-omi. Is this what you wanted?"

He smiles, "You know it's not a bad sight, I just need a dog collar and you could be my pet dog."

I blush, "That's kinky omi-omi~"

He finally realizes what he said and turns bright red, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment, "YOU IDIOT NOT THAT WAY!"

I giggle, "Oh so what did you mean?"

He turns his head away doesn't matter anymore-"

"But I always want to hear what you have to say omi-omi!"

" I don't care you're just going to make fun again with that dirty mind of yours!"

" HA HA HA! You finally found something that can't be cleaned up with hand sanitizer!"

"Pffft", he laughed, " and I wish I never found it!"

"Lies than you wouldn't have anyone to talk to."

"I don't even talk to you, do I?"

I frown, "So why did you ask me to come to your place?"

He thinks a bit before replying, "I felt bad that you haven't eaten yet and I know you can't cook because there was a fire in your dorm last week that is why I invited you over."

I blush, "That's because my brother normally cooks for me so I never got the chance to learn."

He rolls his eyes, "Yeah and he needs to wake you up to?"

I pout, "That's because I am really bad at getting up! If you're so amazing then, why don't you wake me up?"

He grins his eyes glowing, "it's not like I have anything better to do so why not~"

Suddenly I realized the mistake I made, If he hears me talk in my sleep then I'm going to be in big trouble, as in he will never talk to me again and ignore me just when I managed to get close to him, type of trouble.


"Oh, why's that? Is there something you're hiding from me, Atsumu?"

I blush, "N..N..N...NO!"

"Then it's settled. I'm going to be waking you up."

I Blush pink why the fuck did my mouth move without thinking!

Sakusa pov-

I watch as his face turns pink it's cute, so cute I want to grab him and-

No bad thoughts what has gotten into me these days, he just blushed that's all and he isn't even handsome or anything! He's ugly and annoying and dumb and stupid... yet he's somewhat cute.

"HeY are you going to stay like that for the whole day!" Yells Atsumu.

I sigh, "Oh yeah I invited you to give you some food didn't I?"

He giggles, "Well Nah-"

I start to boil the water and grab 2 bowls of instant noodles, ( I mean who said I was going to make noodles myself?) when I start thinking about what my feelings for Atsumu really are. I mean I know I don't like him as a friend because I've never felt this way about others, and I don't hate him but I doubt I like him that in that kind of way. I mean I've never liked guys before so why would I start liking them now?  

I rubbed my eyes this shit is really getting to me.

"Done yet?" echoed Atsumu's voice

I sigh, "Nearly just be patient."

I grab one of the hot sauce packets and cut it open, accidentally cutting my finger with the blade of the scissors. I accidentally drop them in shock.

Atsumu winces, "Is everything okay? I heard something drop."

I sigh, "I.. I.. I... I'm fine-"

All of a sudden I see him coming from behind and grabbing my hand, "That looks bad, I think it needs some sterilization."

I shiver as I feel his hands touch me even though he is wearing gloves they don't protect me from the way I feel when he touches me.

"Why did you stand up-" But I could no longer continue my sentence,

 as Atsumu stuck my bleeding finger in his mouth.

My whole body froze up and stopped functioning, all I could think of was It feels nice. Not how this was the most unhygienic thing ever, no, I just thought how 'it felt nice'.

There really was something wrong with me.

Sorry this update came out a lot later than usual I had some noisy kids come over and wouldn't let me live in peace so this was made like in the middle of the night-

Anyway! Thank you for reading! 

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