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Jisoo was  very comfortable if jin was near her, and the night sky was aglow  with  bright city lights, jin  was giving a call to jisoo to make sure if she was well...
Jisoo was too delighted to  see him calling her ..she replied him  with her dulcet tone ..

Jin was asking her ' are you fine ?'...
She replied ' yeah I'm absolutely fine..! There's nothing to worry and  it's not the head  ache due to my depression, it's all coz of taehyung...'
Jin retorted her ' everything is going well..and you don't wanna reason taehyung...and it's really late , go  have a beauty sleep...and call me if anything is needed!!'
She  replied ' that's so sweet of you and have a great sleep...by the way thanks  a lot  for your consideration '
Then they just hanged up the call and jisoo went to sleep  but she couldn't  sleep  and she was trying to  sleep but all her pasts was distracted like a rock....she was  keeping on murmuring , then finally she got up ...
And gasping...she wasn't in her conscious as if she was drunk...but she didn't, it was about crack of the dawn...she called for jin..her eyes was  turing darker she cannot see what's going on around her and she  was swooning..

And jin was rushing for her coz she didn't reply when she called for him.. he opened the door..he was hastening...jisoo was unconscious, he doesn't know what to do and he was sure that  she  swooned....he called for the doctor ...
His eyes was filled with tears...' he was calling  jisoo  wake up!! See me!! Please  see me!!'
But she was like as if dead! '
Finally the medicators  was arriving there, they  just requested jin to stay  outside...
Then they were  calling him...jisoo was awake , he just *sighed *, the medicators left...jisoo was very pale and he doesn't know what's wrong wid her ?!
He just asked 'are you okay?!'...
She nodded but she wasn't satisfied,
Jin was questioning her ' your not  feeling well and why ? Did you sleep or...'
She replied ' I'm sorry for disturbing you'
He was like 'ahh...c'mon answer my question '
She told him ' for the past 4 years I'm suffering from pistanthrophobia...'
Jin was like ' whattt?'
She told ' ya! It's very strange and once I was treated and I was feeling fine ...but now!'
He  yelled at her ' why can't you inform me about this earlier? '
She told ' nah...I didn't mean not to inform you but I dont want you to worry about me..!
And  he told her ' why didn't you treat yourself? And why didn't you start your medication? '

She told  ' I was sure that I was okay...but now coz of taehyung again '
Jin didn't tell anything...he told ' i know a better phychiatrist  and  I'll request her to treat you'
Jisoo replied him ' nono! Don't stress yourself for me'...
He told ' just stop it and tomorrow she'll be here !'...

The day dawned and crisp...the sunlight was showering on jisoo from the aperture..

Someone was  ringing the  bell...she went and opened  the door  and she was really  stunned to see the person....and  she was kim jennie ...
Jisoo was shrieking to her death...
Jennie  was hugging her to make her console.
She didn't stop her sobbing ....jennie was like
' hey c'mon ! Jisoo I'm back and why you wanna sob like this...'
And I heard your  pistanthrophobia is back..
Jisoo  was bobbing...and she was   contriteing
Very badly ...
Jisoo was asking  about lisa and rose ,
Jennie told ' ya they're good why did you bother about them ?'
Jisoo was down casting....and she was telling jennie ' I want our past life back, and I wanted to apologise very badly, but I couldn't contact you all for years , ...
Jennie told  'let's cut it off...and now I'm a medicator for you..that's it...'
Jin was arriving there ' hey jennie! Nice to meet ya ! '
Jennie replied him '  me too! And I hope jisoo is alright  now '....
Now she just want someone to talk wid her whole night and make her feel comfortable  even  if she's in crowded room she feel lonely and if she is close with someone even though she will think that they can hurt her...so this is the cause..
Jin replied ' so how come she swooned? '
Jennie told him ' ya she turned unconscious! Coz her mind is not free, ...
And let her take some pills now...
And  this condition includes her work pressure too...so jin it's your responsibility to take care of her...he replied sure jennie..
He asked jisoo to go have a nap...

Jisoo was sleeping...jin was sitting next to her  staring at her, she could  feel his warmth, he just went near her , he was whispering in her ears...' I will be there for you because ' I LOVE YOU '...and  your always  my girl..
Suddenly jisoo  replied him ' you're my type!'
Jin was like 'ahh..jisoo??its like..I dont know..'
Jisoo told him 'hmm..so finally  you told me right...'
Jin didn't reply, his face was turing red...
He held her wirst And told her ' the time when I met you , it's all  the day I lost my heart...'
She told 'ahh..jin I've got you now and i dont know how I'm gonna manage taehyung and how I'm gonna make up with my friends...'
Jin told her ' i promise you that I'll get away taehyung and bring ur friends back..and now take some pills and  get back to  nap..'
She told ' sure indeed ! Love you !'..
Jin replied her ' love you too!!'

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