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Suga  resided there since it was a very late night, but he couldn't sleep...coz he really had a crush on Jennie..., By then he just forgot about that...he went down to check if Jennie was asleep...
She was staying up standing at the porch and relaxing ...he was peeping a bit...but Jennie  noticed him,she called him...he then came up telling her that I just came down to check if something is there to fill my tummy...
Jennie giggled and replied him ' can I get you something ?'
He told ' nah..that's k..you know if we feel something is our favourites and we get to see it we won't feel bad or guilty...'
She told ' is something relatable with this ?'
He was like ' ya ofcourse  MOON is one of my favourite...so I don't feel hungry anymore lol'
Jennie told ' phew..why  didn't you sleep yet ?'
He told it's a new place and  I didn't feel sleepy too , what about you ?'
She was like ' you know I don't know why but I feel guilty ...
And that's k i forgot that...and  I didn't ask you something ..!
Are you still single or...?
He told ' yeah ..I am...but I do have a crush !'
Jennie replied ' oh that's sounds kinda cool...and aren't you excited about the party ?'
Suga told ' ya I'm excited...and  I know Jin is very surprised for that ! Haha...'
She replied ya 'but loving someone is not that easy right... and you know that feeling when someone standing right in front of  you is the person you loved the most but you can't get them..!'
Suga got surprised to hear it from her...
And he told her to take a beauty sleep coz it was quiet late...
Then she told ' ya have a great sleep! Cheerios!'
Suga was thinking about what she told him..and thought it suits him...
It was the next morning, suga was awake  coz he wanna settle some stuffs in his management and he left as soon as possible,
Jennie was rushing from her room to wake up suga..by then jisoo stopped her and told he left already...
Jennie just rolled her eyes and she told jisoo that ' I  likeee.... ssssuga but I just pretended that I do have a boyfriend!'
Jisoo was like ' what the...how can you do that ?'
Jennie told ' ya I feel bad for that but suddenly I don't know what to tell..so that's why...'
Jisoo got irritated and went back to her room..and jennie told her ' I'm sorry tho...and I'll tell the truth soon , don't worry...and get ready we got to move out..'
Jisoo sighed...and went ...
Jennie was like ' ughh...why  did I do that  thing...that's sucks now!'...
Jennie and jisoo were moving out for a random places... suddenly Jennie got a call from Rosie...she was a bit nervous coz what if jisoo came to know ...she just managed that it was her  aunt lol....
Rosie and Lisa headed from the airport and fortunately Jimin was joining them...and jennie told like ' AHH...AHH.. aunty you just go stay in a haunt ...I'll  call you later..."
Jisoo was like what just happened ?..
Jennie replied nah...you knew my aunt na... she's very concern of me...so she cannot stay alone without me for a long time.that's why she came here *sigh*.....
Jisoo didn't know what she's explaining and she was asking her ' who..which aunt from where'
Jennie told her ' ughh..you better come with me now or else let me take you to hell...'
Then Jennie just  prevaricated from jisoo to call for Jin...she called for him and  apprised that Lisa , Rosie and her boyfriend arrived ...
Jennie's head was cracking coz she doesn't know who to manipulate , then she just took a deep breath and carried on with jisoo..
It was almost noon..then jisoo and jennie got exhausted...but jennie was wishing that jisoo shouldn't tell that she wanna go home..
But jisoo just took a siesta , she leaned on Jennie's shoulder... Jennie was very pleased to see her...but she cannot do anything...

Jin went and got them from the airport...
Rosie was very excited to meet jisoo...and Jimin was very delighted seeing Rosie happy..!
Lisa was admiring Jin since she was sitting next to him...but he was uncomfortable for that...he just coughed to get rid of her attention..then he told about the  stuffs he's gonna do...and what all they should do..

It was allmost a beautiful twilight... everything was  primed...jisoo went to take her beauty sleep as she was roaming from morning...and Jin and jennie where there... settling stuffs...and jennie told that she have something to tell...to Jin..
He told yeah ' before that I wanna thank you for  aiding me for the ceremony!'
She replied ' it's not a big deal..but you know  I had a conversation with suga yesterday and I told him that I'm committed and my boyfriend is.......'
Jin was like ' is.....'
She told it's ...Taehyung....
Jin reminded  in silence...he didn't  speak anything , he just walked out.... Jennie  stopped him but...he didn't want to stay there..he told let me meet you at the ceremony...
After that Jennie cannot control herself and she cried her eyes out...coz she knew that she did blunder stuff s.....
Time went.....
The white fluffy clouds crossed the sky...and the just risen sun was bright....

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