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Jennie was resoning about the past and she went to jisoo's room, she slightly moved and peeked at her....to make sure if she's  napping ....then she went near her and she  could see all their pasts...her tears welled up..
The first Ray's of sunrise lit up the room, jisoo got up, and she saw jennie napping near her, jisoo was very worried to see her...she   was mumbling into Jennie's ears saying that..
' I want to live my princess life  with you guys, rather to live like a model'....
Jisoo went to the porch, she was thinking how to convince jennie....
Jennie got up and she went to the porch to ensure if jisoo was there...she called for her and told her ' why did you wake up this much early ?'...
She told 'nah...I thought I should go for the studio!'
Jennie replied her ' haha I can understand your passion ' and now you go fresh up I'll make you some breakfast...
Jisoo  was like ' ahh sure I want some fresh soup would you?'
Jennie giggled and nodded...
Jin called for jennie ....
But she didn't notice him calling her...
Then he got a bit nervous so he  rushed there and he just knocked up to ensure if they were safe , jennie was like ' ji...jin wat makes you gasp like this ?'he just called for jisoo, she ran down she was like ' what happened jin ?'
Jennie was giggling, she told him ' jin I don't know what did happen but I'll make ur girl safe , so you don't wanna rush anymore '..
Jisoo was bashful and she told him ' so c'mon join with us for the breakfast '
He told nah..jisoo literally I was getting down to my management and  Jennie didn't pick my call so that's why nothing more..so I gotta go will catch you  guys later '

Jisoo was hesitating for something, jennie was superb cool with jisoo she asked her why you wanna stare like that ?
She told 'ahh.. I wanna ask you about rosie and liza ....'
Jennie retorted 'it's none of your business '
Jisoo replied ' jennie please I really wanna apologise with you guys '
Jennie told her 'now please eat and have some rest '
Jisoo flinged her food and she went ...
Jennie called for jin and she told him ' jin I really wanna talk about jisoo , will you be free tonight? '...or
He replied ' ya sure! We'll meet at a  restaurant '
It was almost afternoon jisoo was really worried of jennie...then she gave up that she cannot make her wish come true...
It was almost night, jennie went to the restaurant Jin was enjoying the fresh air , he could think of jisoo when he's really delighted, jennie  called for him , he just asked her to converse, jennie told him ' ahh... jisoo's birthday is really soon, and we just have three more days...I just want to remind you , she is asking me about liza and rosie, so I just thought that I can bring them here to give a blast and what about you ? I dont know jennie I'm having many ideas but what can I do especially to impress her ah ?
Jennie was reasoning  she told ' if I was you I would go propose her...and flirt with her you know ?'
Jin  was like ' let's stop with it , and go see jisoo , come let me drop you in there !'
Jennie was back and then she resumed her pretending skill as if she was a stranger for jisoo'.....
Jennie went back to her room to have a catnap, jisoo used this chance to get Jennie's phone , to contact with liza and rose but unfortunately jennie caught her , she just held her wrist went closer and asked her ' whattttt are you doing here like a thief, but jisoo tried to manage she told ' haha! Nothing ya my pills got over that's why .... nothing nothing... you continue to nap I'll carry on '
Then jisoo was worried coz she missed a great chance, by then she gave up she went to sleep , .....
Jin called for jisoo , she got enlightened, she told ' ya jin what's up ?'
He told ' was having time so that's why I called and how are you feeling now ?'
She told ' what for me I'm physically good but im not actually happy with jennie, she isn't treating me like we usually did'
Jin replied 'see na...it takes some time to bring back everything and wait everything will be good so better don't over think of that '
She told ' I wish I could bring all my memories Into my  future '...
Jin was laughing so hard ' he told I wish for you , go do relax and I'll meet you tomorrow if I have some time '...
Jisoo was not in a mood to make fun she just hanged up and took her old diary , she read her good old days ,  without jisoo's sense jennie was keeking to see her if she was really hurted, jisoo was crying there , jennie was really feeling sorry for her and she conveyed something from her heart ' I'm sorry jisoo it's all for your goodness , and I'll bring your past life back '....
Jisoo slept off and jennie was walking in she just whispered ' don't think that I'm very cold - blooded '....
I, liza and rosie really wanna have some time with you but you just went to bring your aims and dreams come true , and now I can't believe that I'm with you and your always our destiny that we always wanted to seek,just control your curiosity for some more days and I'll get you back everything and I wish you to stay crazy as always and lead up with jin , and I'm really happy for you and jin...he's such a sweet person and you got him....'
I wanna apologise very badly but I cannot right now '....

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