Chapter 9 - The Truth Between Them

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"Mmm. You know I have to be at work in fifteen minutes."

"Good. I only need a few more seconds before you cum."

"Fuuuuck. That tongue is so good. AAH!"

"Perfect," he chuckled, wiping his mouth.

He climbed on top of me and started kissing me deeply. I chuckled and grabbed him by the throat before rolling us both over so I was straddling him, earning a laugh in return. I leaned down and kissed him again, his hands running up my back as he pressed our bodies close together. My hand still on his throat, I pushed him down so he was lying back on the pillow.

"How did Monday sneak up on us so fast?" I asked, sadly.

"I don't know, but I really wish it didn't."

"I should get dressed."

"Wear a longer skirt. They'll see my bites on your thighs."

"Mmm," I moaned as he pulled me close.

"Can I pick you up tonight?"

"Yes. Anytime."

"Okay. I'll see you tonight."

The day dragged on for so fucking long, I almost tried putting in my PTO to leave early. I heard people whispering and giggling and a few of the older women turned up their noses. One of them made a comment about the red marks on my thighs and I blushed before pulling my skirt down as much as I could. Sherry pulled me aside and asked if I was available for a lunch tomorrow afternoon and I immediately agreed. She then gave me a high five for the bite marks on my legs, she really was an awesome manager.

The whispers seemed to pick back up towards the end of my shift and I turned to see what they were all talking about. There he was in a wife-beater and some ripped skinny jeans. He looked like he was ready to go on tour and I blushed as he approached the bar.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be in bars?" I giggled.

"I can be in them when I'm in the right state of mind. Lately though, I've only been able to think about your legs wrapped around me."

"Mm. I get off in five minutes."

"Doesn't take that long when you're with me."


"Alright," he chuckled. "Let me get a glass of Pepsi."

"Coming right up."

The last five minutes of my shift were the longest five minutes of my life. I kept wanting him to drag me across the bar and tear into me. When I finally clocked out, I turned to see Ronnie standing with a proud smile on his face. I didn't care that I was still at work, I leaned in and kissed him in front of all the old assholes I was just waiting on. I felt his hand run down my back and grab my ass before he gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Could you do that somewhere else?" an elderly woman asked.

"Yeah, my bad," Ronnie chuckled.


"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Let it go, Zara," Ronnie sighed.

"No, I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I called him an asshole."

"For what? The tattoos?"

"Yes. You'll never get a good, respectable, high paying job with those, dear."

"Really?" he chuckled. "Well, why don't you follow us outside. See that Rolls Royce? I own it, no financing or anything. Wanna know something else? I make enough money to ask my girlfriend to move in with me and stop working. I can support her and my daughter just by singing. So before you judge somebody, walk in their shoes, alright?"

The old lady clearly felt like shit for what she said and apologized before returning to her seat. Ronnie brought me to the passenger side of his car and opened the door for me before I climbed in. When we got home, I was surprised that he wanted to play a game of pool. The deal was, the winner gets whatever they want for the evening. Surprise, surprise, Ronnie won and guess what he wanted.

"Ah! Aaaha! Mmmngh."

I looked down to see his black hair shifting from left to right as he wiped his tongue all across my clitoris. I brought my heel to hitch on the edge of the pool table as his large hands held my hips down, pressing my ass against the rough fabric. I rolled my head from left to right as more moans escaped my mouth, my back coming to arch off the table. I reached my climax and Ronnie let go of my hips as I bucked up onto him, practically riding his face as I grabbed fistfulls of his hair.

When I released him, Ronnie spread my legs and I sat up. He scooted me closer to the edge of the pool table and said nothing as he braced his hands on the table. He looked deep into my eyes just as he entered me, both of our mouths falling open as we gasped at the feeling. He reached down and grabbed my thighs, pulling them up to hitch on his hips while I folded my arms behind his head. We held eye contact as he thrust inside me once...then twice...then a third time, each time with a pause between them to savor the feeling. When he developed his rhythm, I leaned back onto my elbows and then even further until I was lying back on the pool table. My arms extended up and I grasped onto a pocket and the wooden ridge from the opposite side of the table.

"Ronnie," I moaned, breathlessly.

"Zara," he moaned back.

Ronnie leaned down to hover just inches from my body before kissing my neck, collar bone, and the space between my breasts. My fingers tangled into his hair as he continued to move in time with my hips, his hands ever so slightly squeezing my thighs. My ankles locked within one another as I squeezed his hips with my thighs, pulling him deeper into me. I couldn't resist reaching out to touch him. My hands clawed at his back so hard that he arched his body and grit his teeth together before moaning through them, his eyes shut tight. His mouth had fallen agape a bit as he realized what I felt running down my fingers...blood.

"I'm sorry-"

"No. Mark me. I like it."

My mouth fell open at his words and I was about to speak again when he hit my g-spot once more. My toes curled and instinctively I clawed at his back again and again he groaned at the feeling. I clawed at him again and again until I swore his back looked like a cat's scratch post meanwhile, he rocked us back and forth and back and forth until my head was dizzy with how good it was feeling. Then, three little words fell out of his mouth that he could never take back.

"I love you," he moaned.


"I fucking love you, Zara."

"Ronnie, I love you."

"Oh my god, I love you."

"I love you so much."

We kissed each other passionately as we reached our climax together, both of us holding the other as close as we could. When we pulled away, we realized we were both crying happily. We kissed again and again neither one wanting to leave the other as we had just announced a very big emotion from either of us.

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