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Mordred walked inside of the red tent, holding a crystal golden orb. His face filled with anger and betrayal. He walked right up to his mentor, gently slamming the ball right in front of his face. The man slowly looked up.

"Hello Mordred-"

"Don't hello me. You said there was only 2 futures" his eyes bore holes as he stared at the man he once looked up to.

"This one was unlivable-"

"Lies!" Mordred shouted, kicking a chair over. "I have spent 4 days looking through this crystal! Emrys is alive, Arthur is fine, Magic is legal, the druids are happy, you know the only thing I could find wrong is you weren't there"

The once looked up to leader slowly took a step back. "You were supposed to dispose of all the futures" Mordred laughed.

"You admit it" the leader pursed his lips.

"Mordred, I did not choose that one for the safety of the Druids-"

"Merlin is the Druid leader!" He shouted, throwing down a glass bottle. The old man remained calm despite the drum rattling in his chest.

"Be that as it may, You guys need me-"

"Is that what you tell yourself? We may have once looked up to you and looked at you for council but it was never important enough to be at the expense of emery's! You are a selfish man!" Mordred shouted, his face so close his breath stuck onto the traitor.

"Emrys isn't even dead! Look around you, he lives in the ground, the trees, the water, the very air we breath-"

"Which you are not worthy of!"

"-he will live on forever! While when I die, i will die for real. My body will fall and I will pass into the underworld. Surly you do not want that for the man who taught you everything you know"

"This isn't about you slinor!" The man gaped at his real name being used, yet Mordred paid no mind. "The earth chose for Merlin to be born as a human! Not a life force!" The old man laughed.

"I taught you too well, you were always the smartest" Mordred fumed.

"You are not worthy of the Druid name! You are not worthy of life!" The man marched over.

"You speak in anger-"

"I only speak in truth!" Mordred took two steps back and dusted himself off. "I am going to bring Emrys back to his earthly body, I am going to honor the path magic as set."

The man gasped, starting to panic "I can not live on this earth as long as Emrys walks these grounds"

"Well then it's maybe time for you to die" Mordred spoke, his voice calm yet firm. Slinor reached out to grab him but Mordred put his hand up and the man froze in mid reach.

As Mordred walked out of the tent, the flaps flying everywhere, a soft golden hum took shape of a crown on his head.

Done! Oh my god. I'm crying, I can't believe I just completed my first fanfic. Over 20 chapters with no a/n's.

I have gotten friends from these books, a family, a wife, everything. It's so amazing oh my god.

Thank you guys so much for reading this, thank you so much for dealing with my fanfic waits, thank you so much for voting/commenting, thank you so much for being apart of my story. I love you guys so much.

Memes for the *starts to sob* last time in this book.

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