An Unlikely Union

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Audrey felt guilty over how she misjudged Nora and, although there was much she didn't know about her yet, she was captivated by her presence along with all that she said. Audrey sat by her side on the cold grass as she held the silver blades in her hands, it had been almost two hours since class began and she couldn't remember Zach even leaving as Nora was the only one that she had been talking to.

"How are you finding classes?" Nora asked as the pulled at the soft grass.

"They've been challenging, definitely new but altogether great...I guess! I haven't had Dostira Historia yet, and after what Binko's told me, I am not looking forward to it at all." Audrey sighed.

Nora stayed silent for a moment before saying, "I think Charlie's reasoning will be made more clear after the first class". Her voice was thick was agony and Audrey could almost feel the distress radiating off her skin, she took a deep breath and coughed to break the growing tension.

"I read the class outline and I um...well we don't have to talk about it" Audrey stuttered, her hands grew sweaty as she approached the subject like warm feet to the cold sea.

"No, no it's okay" Nora began, she took a deep breath before continuing, "People always act like it was only between 1904 and 1912, I guess that's because it's easier to blame people that are dead for murder and war in order for accountability to be a problem of the past". She looked around, unsure of where to begin, she shut her eyes tight before focusing them on the castle walls ahead of her and speaking with a serious voice.

"The genocide of prodigies like me didn't just start or end at a particular point in time, we were named sea demons by savage pirates long before the genocide, but even after Overseers made an official law protecting our kind in didn't stop." Nora's voice quivered, pain and torment drowning every word she spoke, until her grief shifted to rage.

"Vile caeli, solis and ignis prodigies would raid the homes of Vox prodigies, slaughtering children but especially mothers of possible Vox prodigies, the Overseer's laws were nothing more than dirt beneath the feet of vulgar cowards and murderers". She took a deep breath and looked down to her hands that were balled into tight fists, "Harkness may be like a father to me, but as an Overseer, where was he during the execution of the Vox women in our family or any family?"

Nora shook off her emotions like water on a leaf as she looked at the castle walls with a smile, that even Audrey could tell was not as sincere as it appeared to be.

"Well, in Dostira Historia I guess you'll find out why prodigies did what they did. Oh and why the law was inevitably pointless, as barely any crimes against Vox prodigies are taken to Overseer Courts." Nora said, she fixed her posture and relaxed her hands before looking at Audrey with gentle eyes that hid dark fury.

The two of them sat in silence for a moment, both looking at the grey castle walls that lay ahead of them. Audrey had intently listened to each word Nora said and as she sat beside her with her lips sealed, her thoughts were running wild wondering if such foul prodigies still exist.


As soon as classes finished Charlie rushed to Mr Harkness' office, he felt uneasy and borderline sick as he felt like something or someone was violently banging against the walls of his mind trying to burst their way inside. The pendant had sat comfortably in his pocket since breakfast and while Charlie would normally forget about such small things, the silver solis pendant occupied every part of his mind. He felt exhausted and had no idea why, as although his final class of the day was Dostirian Creatures the substitute that made the students do nothing but read chapters on Allied fae spirits. As Charlie hurried to Harkness' office his mind was swarming, he felt immense tension in every part of his head as it trickled down to his neck tightening and cramping it. He wasn't paying any attention to the students around him, although first and second year students would leap out of the way for him, he pushed past fifth and sixth years with an aggressive shove despite most of them being his classmates and friends.

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