The Small Box

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The taste in Charlie's mouth was bitter and metallic, he struggled to swallow the sour tasting spit down his throat as his eyes watered from straining to keep them open. He lay face up on his bed, the pitch black shadows covering his shivering body like a thick blanket of ice cold nothingness. The light that was trying to barge its way through the window near his bed was met with a blockade of thick grey curtains, as only a small shard of light slipped through and pierced the darkness.

The hissing voice he had once heard was now a low hum, as he could barely hear it anymore. Nevertheless, he didn't feel alone and as he lay in the gloomy room by himself, he felt it with him. The pendant had its own beating heart as he could sense its presence like the feeling of radiating heat flowing off someone standing right next to his bed, it was alive. The Charlie Binko a couple months ago would call himself paranoid and laugh off the strange feeling but after all he had heard and felt, he knew he was never truly alone with the glimmering silver pendant connected to him. He didn't even need to hold it, as most days he would leave it hidden in his room yet still feel like it had latched onto him. Like a parasite, the voice ate away at his sanity and energy as he struggled to make it through most days without feeling completely exhausted and borderline suicidal. The only time he felt truly himself again, was at night. He would take two of the pills nurse Joe gave him, and soon fall into a sleep that made his muscles and bones feel like they were given a tall glass of cold water after walking for days in a scorching dry desert.

Charlie lay in the darkness, fighting the uncomfortable thoughts that echoed in his head, bombarding him with ideas that concerned his power and abilities. Although the voice was a low muted thrum, he could understand it if he tried his best to focus on it. However, he didn't need to listen to the hissing ominous voice to understand exactly what it was tempting him with. The idea it spoke of a few days ago when he fought with Nora, the promise of power and the compelling charm of destiny. Charlie tried his best to push such ideas out of his mind, but found that doing so was like throwing a boomerang. The ideas hit harder, stronger and slipped into his mind just as quickly and fiercely as he had thrown them out.

"Charlie?" A muffled voice said outside his door, he heard someone knocking hard against its wooden frame.

His legs trembled as he stood up, his weary eyes searching for the door handle as he stretched his hands out feeling around in front of him.

Kane was banging his fist against the door to Charlie's room, his foot anxiously tapping as he did. He could hear Charlie shuffling around behind the door and slowly making his way towards it, as it swung open with a small creak Kane's eyes widened in disbelief. He looked at the feeble and tormented boy in front of him, his pale body that slowly limped towards him and his reddened squinting eyes surrounded by skin that was starting to go a soft yellow.

"Oh, Thank god" Charlie sighed, he almost fell into Kane's arms as he shuffled towards him to give him a weak hug.

"You look like shit" he chuckled as he gave Charlie a small pat on the back.

Kane walked into the room and shut the door behind him, he felt an unusual energy in the atmosphere as he did. The hairs on his arms raised as goosebumps lined his spine, he examined the room with his heart beat rising rapidly. He could feel, only at the slightest, a tingling arctic sensation as if there was someone else in the room standing behind him and blowing a breath of cold air against his neck. He shivered slightly as he walked over to the window and reached out a hand to let the sunlight embrace the room, as he did Charlie almost screamed at him.

"No!" He shouted as Kane quickly turned his head to look at him, a startled expression on his face.

"Please, my eyes can't take the light" Charlie continued, he sat on his bed facing Kane and rubbed his weary eyes with his hands.

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