A Student Is Missing

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Kane could feel his blood dripping from the scratches on his back and collecting in a small puddle under him, his limbs violently quivered the more he tried to lift himself up off the ground and so he lay still surrounded by his own mess. Every part of him ached in inexplainable agony and his lungs felt as if they were shredding apart the more he wheezed for air. He could hear nothing but white noise as his ears drooled blood and he could see nothing but the blurred shapes of the surrounding trees. The more he looked at them, the more he felt they stared at him with amused pity, the wind laughing at him as it rustled through the leaves of the trees.

He clenched his jaw and squinted his eyes until he saw a figure appear above him, he let out a small gasp and loosened his lips.

"Help me" he croaked, unsure of whether or not the tall figure could hear him as he could barely hear himself.

The figure bent down beside him, placing a hand on his face, as Kane put all his effort into focusing his eyesight on the tall man who was stroking his cheek with a rough but soothing touch. He blinked hard, staring at the figure, until the blurred shape began to fade and Kane could somewhat recognise the man's dark but distinct features.

"Dad?" He uttered, his eyes beginning to widen as the figure moved towards him and rested his forehead against his.

He could feel his chest pulsating with a pain he had long forgotten, his hands trembling as he was desperate to reach out and touch him. The figure moved his head away from Kane's, slowly standing up and extending a finger to point at something.

"Please Dad," Kane began, "don't leave".

He soon felt two large hands under his back, lifting him up off the ground and holding onto his body. The figure of the man was out of his sight, and Kane could feel his skin being pulled away from blood soaked mud like a bandaid being slowly ripped off sensitive skin. The pain was overwhelming and Kane let out a groan before feeling himself slowly drift unconscious, his hand was shaking and reaching out for his Dad as he tried desperately to stay awake.

"Dad?" he whimpered, his eyes beginning to droop shut as the trees above him began to move.

He felt a hand hold onto his, the rough skin touching his blood stained fingers and making him exhale in relief. He let himself fall into a deep slumber, comforted by a sureness that his father was by his side.


Nora was startled awake by the sound of loud knocking at her door, she rubbed her eyes and reached out for the dark blue jumper at the end of her bed. As she left the warm comfort of her sheets, her skin trembled, and she quickly placed her jumper on.

She opened the door, her eyes squinting from the bright light that accompanied whoever stood outside, she rubbed her eyes again and yawned.

"Miss Kane" the voice said, she recognised the soft and honeyed voice of Mrs Vornbury as she looked up to see her dressed in a white robe with her grey hair in an elegant mess.

"Oh Mrs Vornbury" Nora began, she was still squinting as she spoke in a tired voice.

"It's your brother William" Mrs Vornbury said hastily, her voice thick with concern as she looked deep into Nora's eyes.

It took a moment for Nora to process what Mrs Vornbury had said as she stood at her door and she still struggled to understand what the cause for concern was as they walked towards the castle gates. Her weary eyes tried to stay awake as she headed towards the gardens that decorated the castle courtyard, her heartbeat beginning to quicken as she glanced over at Mrs Vornbury who appeared distressed and on the verge of tears.

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