The Weeping Golden Willow

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The caeli house room was eerily silent, it was almost like the quietness was a sign of mourning presented by all the caeli prodigies for their fallen friend. Kane hated it, the stillness made his toes curl and his stomach squirm as he hated how he was somehow responsible for it all. Although a part of him knew Charlie wasn't dead, he couldn't help how grief-stricken he felt when tip toeing up the spiralled staircase with Audrey.

"His room is number twenty-two" Kane whispered, leaning his head near her ear with his eyes fixed straight ahead.

"Okay, but what are you going to do?" Audrey asked with her voice shaking.

"Whatever I need to, but just go" he replied as they reached the top of the stairs.

The caeli prodigy students stared at them bewildered before they began whispering to each other, Kane held his head high before glancing at Audrey. He gave her a nod, urging her to leave with pensive eyes. She tried to smile but she was fretful, and so her lip quivered for a moment as she stared at him before giving him a forced smile. Her view on Kane had changed dramatically over the past few days, the menacing and cold ignis prodigy she had once loathed was now considerate and decent. Although he was still intimidating and she couldn't help the nervousness she felt around him, her opinion of him was now entirely different.

Kane watched her hurry up the small stairs, her body disappearing as he stood his ground preparing for a fight he knew he had to lose.

"Kane!" Edison spat, slowly walking up the spiralled stairs and heading towards him.

"Just the man I wanted to see" Kane replied, a smirk on his face as he cracked his knuckles.

"I thought I told you to stay out of here unless you're with Charlie," Edison began, pausing for a moment, "but he's gone now isn't he and I bet it's all your fault".

His voice was loud and bitter as Kane could see his nostrils flaring as he spoke, his darkened skin glistening with sweat.

"What did you just say?" Kane asked, his eyes narrowing as he tilted his head and stepped towards him.

"Charlie going missing only a few weeks after becoming your best mate," he began, "can't be a coincidence. So I bet it's all your fault".

Kane chuckled before shoving Edison aggressively, looking at him with his luminous green dragon eyes as Edison stumbled back. Through his dragon vision he could see Edison's aura, the bright luminous mist surrounding his body as a sign of his prodigy powers. Edison quickly stood to his feet, stretching his neck from side to side before clenching his fists by his sides. Within the blink of an eye, his wings broke out and were petrifying to behold. Edison's wings were an ashy tawny brown and took up most of the space in the caeli lounge, he glared at Kane while the students around them backed into the corners of the room frightened.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Edison sneered, rolling his shoulders back as his wings fluttered slightly.

Kane smirked, his skin rippling with silvery emerald dragon scales, "Are you?".


Audrey stood in Charlie's room paralysed as everything around her reminded her of Charlie. She thought of how she should have better prepared herself but then again what did she expect, this was his room after all. However, she didn't expect to become so incapacitated by what lingered of his presence. She reached out a hand to touch his bed ice cold sheets and a shiver crept up her arm as goosebumps lined her skin.

"I can do this" she mumbled to herself.

She exhaled deeply and quickly rummaged throughout his room, everything she touched evoking a particular memory and making her eyes well with tears. She grasped onto a brown leather bag under his bed and as she touched it, she remembered the first day she had left for Dostira with Charlie by her side.

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