Chapter 1

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"Lightning? Why are you here?" Enterprise questioned,  having overcome her initial shock. Enterprise switched on the light as she invited Lightning in the room. 

"I'll go and get Yorktown, you can stay here first." With that, Enterprise exited the room, returning shortly after with Yorktown, whose surprise mirrored Enterprise's when she saw Lightning. 

"I have come here to join Azur Lane... the 'bots are returning and... I think it is time for me to answer my calling..." Lightning trailed off, a slight tremble in her voice.  Enterprise and Yorktown exchanged glances. 

They knew she was not ready to talk about what had happened just some time ago, so Yorktown whispered, "If that is what you wish, then welcome to Azur Lane. Enterprise, Essex and I will train you to our very best." All Lightning did was nod. This worried Enterprise. Where was that energetic girl they had known for so long? 

Her concern was apparent as the gazed at Lightning, flashes of what happened in the war ran through her mind but as quickly as it appeared, Enterprise shook them away, wondering is Lightning would turn out like her when she first joined Azur Lane. I can't let that happen to her too, she thought, determination in her eyes as she vowed to help Lightning the best she could. 


Optimus sighed as he looked out of the window, at Cybertron. The planet had been damaged terribly, but that could be repaired. It was just a matter of time. Yet, his gaze kept on falling on the letter sitting innocently on the table. Activating his holoform, he walked over to it and read it for what seemed like the hundredth time.


I cannot stay here any longer. I am sure you will know why. Here, I feel like an outcast, a burden. Now, with this new responsibility of being a linker between these worlds, I am even more uncertain of my fate. However, I do know one thing. This path I should tread alone, you should not have to help me. Go back to Cybertron, return it to its previous glory. I have to go to Azur Lane. It is the only way for me to be of use, otherwise, I will just weigh the team down. I have enjoyed being in Team Prime, do not doubt this, but I cannot go into another battle with you, knowing that if I make the slightest mistake, it could result in death, even yours. Going to Azur Lane will allow me to learn how to fight properly and defend myself. I am only doing this because I cannot bear to risk you life just because of my inexperience. Have faith that we will meet again, even if it is not in the brightest of hours. Always be like this eagle, brave and bold, fighting for freedom. I will never forget you, I swear.

Farewell for now, Optimus. Please, do not come looking for me, I need some time to train and learn. This is for the best, remember, sometimes the benefits will outweigh the sacrifices. This is why I must leave, I hope you can understand this. I have always considered you my father figure and it pains me greatly to leave you. But I must, for the good of our sakes. I'm so sorry, I really am.

May the Azur Lanes bless you until we meet again, Optimus.


His hands were trembling as he put the note down. He was worried. Worried that the pain of leaving would tear her apart from the inside, yet, he had to respect her wishes, he knew, that this was not the time to find her, not yet. The wounds would have to heal before he could even bear to pick up the Eagle Union charm. Sadness engulfed him and he felt like he had failed. I'm sorry, Lightning, it is I who failed. You should not have to pay the price...

On Earth...

Ratchet was more snappish ever since Lightning had left. He was grieving the fact that he had not known her worries, had not helped her. He was supposed to guide her, help her, but now, he felt so powerless. Picking up the note that Lightning had left him, he unfolded it and read it again.


Much as it pains me to say this, I have to leave, to go to Azur Lane. No one will miss me, I guess, the weirdo and freak obsessed with warships. Non living beings. I have enjoyed my time here and yet I cannot deny the fact that I feel like an outcast. If I stay here, I am afraid I will just be a burden. This is why I have left. I am going to train, improve and hone my skills. I know that you will be staying on Earth, you told me that the other day. Promise me, promise me that you will take care of the kids, they will also be hurt by my absence. Understand that I cannot stay here for even a single death would weigh heavily on me. Please, have faith, hope that we will meet again, I will never forget my time here and yet this is for our good.

Farewell, Ratchet. Please do not search for me, it will only pain me more to second guess myself. I have made my choice now and it is too late for me to turn back. I will never forget you, Ratchet, I have to admit, I may even miss having a wrench thrown at me. For now, Stay like the Sakura blossoms, resilient and strong. One day, we will meet again. I'm so so sorry, but this is for our sakes.

May the Azur Lanes bless you, Ratchet


Ratchet let out a sigh. Truth to be told, he missed Lightning. She was like a beacon of light, bringing happiness to everyone. But now, she was gone, and the base felt colder than ever. Still, even though he wanted to pick up the Sakura charm, he could not find the strength to. He knew that she would be better off with Enterprise, Yorktown and Essex but at the same time, he could not help but think, I should be sorry, not you, it is my fault for not realising sooner. But Lightning, I promise to watch over the kids, the best I can.

We are sorry, Lightning, we failed you...

So, here is the first official chapter. Thoughts anyone? Will they ever meet again? Wait to find out!

~Lightningstar out =^..^=

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