5 months later

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Your POV

A smile spread on my face as I flew around in the sky. Both my children were on my back, hanging on tight, enjoying the ride. As I landed, I took both of them off my back and set them on the grass. "Thank you, Mommy!" they both said in unison.

"Your welcome. Why don't you head on over to your father. I'm sure he'd love to play with you."


They rushed off towards their father as I stood with a smile plastered to my face. Who am I you may ask. I'm Y/n, Protector of all Creepypastas. It was only 5 months ago that I learned this. Most of you would think that this job is hard and I admit it is tough from time to time but with him gone, it's much easier. I kept thinking when hands wrapped around my waist. A smile spread on my face as I said "I know it's you, my love."

A chuckle came from behind me and then black lips planted a kiss on my cheek. "Jack, where are the kids?"

"They're playing with Sally. Besides what's troubling you?"

I haven't told Jack yet of the message because I didn't want to worry him. "Nothing's wrong. What makes you say that?"

He shrugged. "I guess I'm just worried about you that's all."

He clasped my hands in his and smiled down at me. "I love you, Jack."

"I love you too, y/n. If there's anything wrong you know to come tell me."

I nodded as he hugged me. I took in his faint candy smell. We seperated after finishing the hug. Jack going over to Jeff and I over to Jane. Jane saw me coming and said "Hey, y/n. What's up?"

I sighed. "Can you keep a secret?"

Jane looked taken back but said nodded. I twirled my fingers together trying to figure out how to explain it to her."Y/n, are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's just that, uh..."

"Do you want to go somewhere private?"


We walked further into Slender Woods and sat on two tree stumps. "What is it you need to tell me, y/n?"

"5 months ago I was told that Zalgo was coming back and that he would take away everything I love to break me. The thing is I haven't told Jack this yet and I don't plan to."

Jane just stared at me, speechless. "Y/n, you need to tell Jack this."

"He doesn't need to know. It would only worry him more than he should be."

"Y/n, Jack loves you. He wants to protect you from danger. Besides he never keeps secrets from you, so why do that to him?"

I stared at the ground in defeat. Jane was right, I needed to tell Jack this. The only problem is I'm scared. "Jane, I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm scared to tell him."

"You shouldn't be scared, y/n. He's your husband. You trust, care, and love him and Jack feels the same for you."

"I know. I'm nervous though."

"Don't be and if it helps I'll come with you."

"Thanks, Jane. But I have to brace through this by myself."

Jane nodded understandingly. We headed back where I told Jane I was going for a flight. I took off and flew over Slender Woods, trying to clear my head of evil thoughts. While flying I was thinking of how I would tell Jack. So many ways went through my mind as I landed back at the mansion. I decided I would tell Jack that night.

If I Fall, Would You Catch Me? {Sequel to Candy Coated Love} ~Laughing Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now