[Chapter 1]

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"Where is she, it's been an hour." Jenny scoffed, banging her head on a nearby locker.

Autumn rolled her eyes. "Chill out. It's only been five minutes." She retorted.

"Only five?! WHA-"

"Shut-up." Autumn grumbled, placing a hand on Jenny's lips.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." A voice squeaked. Natsuki. One of the 'prettiest' girls in school.

Jenny gritted her teeth, seeming as though she might attack Natsuki at any moment. Physically.

Natsuki smirked in return, though shook off Jenny's annoyed expression with a warm smile. "Well, holiday's coming soon." She started, grinning. Desire replaced Jenny's rage, as she nodded. "What're y'all planning to do?" Natsuki questioned, exchanging a questionable glance with her two friends. 

"Well, I'm going to be busy with new books." Autumn commented. Jenny faked a 'gagging' expression, sticking her tongue out in reply. "Books. Really?" Jenny moaned.

Autumn nodded, as she begun to click a code on her locker. "Yes, these-" She grinned, pulling aside a pile of books that piled above her face. Jenny exaggerated a squeal of surprise, while Natsuki's mouth gaped wide open.

"Girl, that's not normal-" Jenny started, but was cut off as a student approached them. Her hair was dyed a green-like color, while her roots exposed a faded black. The girl offered a friendly smile, as she pulled out a stack of slips.

"Hi, I'm Shio. Would you like an invitation?" She squeaked, holding out a slip of paper. The three girls eyed it with visible curiosity. 

"An invitation for what?" Jenny questioned, raising a brow.

"It's a haunted house party. Y'know, for October." Shio replied, straining her hand forward, waving the invitation in Jenny's face. "It'll be.. fun."

Natsuki took the slip, observing it through narrowed eyes. Shio silently watched them, before nodding a farewell, as she hesitantly took off down the hallway. 

"What do you think?" Natsuki said after a moment of silence, offering a slip to Jenny and Autumn. Jenny shrugged, crumbling it into a ball as she stuck it into a nearby pocket along the back of her jeans. "Sure. Got nothin' better to do anyways."

"I'll pass.." Autumn begun, handing the paper back, though Jenny interrupted her with another fake gag. "Damn, Almond. You're no fun." Jenny mumbled. "It's Autumn-" She spat back, scrunching up her nose with annoyance.

Natsuki gently pushed herself between the two, breaking them apart with a silent glare. "Anyways, why're you not coming, Autumn?" She questioned, eyeing her friend with faint concern. 

"..Well-" Autumn started, but shook her head. "Nevermind." Jenny exchanged a shrug with Natsuki, while they both observed their friend with silent gazes.

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